Chapter 16

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A/N: Guys I'm so sorry i haven't updated in ages but here u you the next part of Oh My Malik.... Hope you enjoy it!


(Recap: "fired up?" I laughed as we walked out of the kitchen

"Yep" he said as we entered the living room)

"You're so weird, Li" I laughed

"Yeah but you love me!" Liam said

"What ever stops the tears, Honey" I winked at him "here you go Lou' I said throwing the bag of carrots at him which he caught

"Whoa!" Louis said "I usually only get one or two" He ran up to me and kissed my cheek "Love you, Carls"

"Love you too,Lou" I laughed at his childish behaviour

"Okay,Okay,everybody loves Carly, so can we watch the film now?" Harry said

"Yeah" everyone chorused. I made my way over to Zayn who was sat on one of the arm chairs, slid on to his lap and rested my head on his chest.

"Press play then,Styles" Zayn

"Fine" Harry huffed

"Mate, you were the one moaning" Zayn laughed

"Whatever, just cuddle with you girlfriend and shut up" He said, what'a got up is pants, i thought to myself.

"Fine, I don'r mind if i do!" He said happily as he pulled me closer and kissed my temple, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

After watching all three Paranormal Activity films I was officially creep out, I know it sound stupid me being 18 and all but those films are too real for my liking! I got up from Zayn's lap.

"Where are you going, Babe?" Zayn asked

"To the toilet," I said "Why do you wanna come?" I winked at him

"Nope, I'll pass thanks, Carls" He grinned at me

"Good" I laughed

Once I was done in the bathroom, i unlocked the door, opened it and made my way to the stairs. When I got to Ella's bedroom I heard a noise and went to find out what it was. As I stepped into the Zayn jumped out from behind the door making me scream.

"ZAYN!" I yelled slapping him arm "I HATE YOU!!" I turned around and marched down stairs

"Babe! It was meant to be a joke" He called after me as he followed me down the stairs and into the living room

"Well guess what, Zayn? It wasn't funny!" I snapped I went to sit by Louis

"What did he do, Love?" Louis asked

"Jumped out on me upstairs" I huffed glaring at Zayn, Louis found it hysterical

"Louis!" I said "It's not funny!" I said

"Yeah,it is!" Louis laughed

"Whatever!" I snapped

Zayn knelt down in front of me "Look, Carls,I'm really sorry for scaring you, baby, am I forgiven?" He asked

"Yes and it's not funny so don't do it again, okay?" I said

"I promise I won't" He said kissing me

"Good" I said against his lips

"Stop with the kissing you two, it was bad enough walking in on your little snog feast earlier" Liam said

"Well, I'm sorry I have a girlfriend, Li" Zayn said sitting down and pulling me onto his lap

"Actually I do, Zayn" Liam said

"What?" Louis asked looking confused "You and Danielle split up"

"We're back together" Liam said happily

"Yay! Payzer!" Ella and I cheered Liam rolled his eyes but smiled at us. "Can we watch Toy Story?" He continued

"Yep we can" Ella said

"Yay!" Liam said clapping his hands excitedly

"Li, I thought you were meant to be the mature one" Zayn laughed as he played with my fingers

"Not when it comes to Toy Stroy mate" Liam said winking at him.

After watching Toy Story 1 and half of 2. I let out a massive yawn

"Come on Babe, I'll take you up to bed" He said as I slid off his lap

"I'll be down in a bit lads" Zayn said taking my hand and leading me upstairs

20 minuets later, after showering and changing into my sweats and tank top,Zayn and I were cuddled up on my bed with my head resting on his chest and my heavy eyes were closed

"Carls, I'm gonna have to go in a big, babe"

I groaned and hugged myself closer to him "Can't you stay?" I asked kissing his neck

"I would love to babe, but I have a busy day with the lads tomorrow, sorry" he said "But I'll stay till you fall asleep" I let my body relaxed into his arms

"Night Zayn, I love you" I whispered as I began to drift

"I love you too" He said kissing my head. I heard him yawn. The last thing I was aware of was Zayn's cheek rest on my head as he rubbed circles on my arm soothingly

The next morning I woke to the familiar smell of vanilla hitting my nose. I guess Zayn had fallen asleep next to me.

"Zayn?" I said as I sat up, no answer, "Babe, wake up" I said shaking him awake

"Carly?" He asked sitting up"Oh, God, what time is it?" He asks looking around

"9 o'clock, why?" I asked

"I'm gonna be late" He said getting up of the bed and slipping his shoes on and heading for the door but hesitated as he reached it the quickly came came back over to me and kissed me

"I love you, Carls, I'll call you tonight and I'll see you at the iTunes festival tomorrow" Then walked out of the room

"I love you too, Baby!" I call after him, I heard Zayn chuckle down the corridor. I smiled to myself as I heard the front door close signalling that he has left. Having Zayn Malik as a boyfriend was the best thing ever!!

A/N: there you go hope u enjoyed i will update soon

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