Chapter 31

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A/N: OMG the best song ever video is just amazing! Harry is so hot in it! If I didnt know that Jonny was Louis I would have honestly thought the had hired an actor because he looks so different! Leeroy makes me laughed ever time i watch it, Zayn looks so good as a girl (i hope that doesnt sound to lesbian cus its not meant to haha) and Niall acting is so good at playing Harvey!

And finally the royal baby is here :) its a boy anyone got any suggestions of the names, guys? I reckon it'll be either Louis or Henry.

As its 3 years of One Direction i thought i'd update in honour of it. I honestly can't believe its been three years it doesnt feel that long and its been the best 3 years ever.

Hope you this part guys

Love Charlie xxxx

P.S. this part is dedicated to my 5 amazing idols One Direction


About an hour later 3 of the boys had arrived but Louis wasn't here yet, God knows whats holding him up. As if on que Louis came bursting through the door.


"Inside voice, Boo" Harry laughed

"Opps sorry guys" Louis said enter the part of the suite in which we were all sitting "Wow, Carls, you look dreadful" He said sitting next to Niall on the sofa

"Jeez, thanks Lou" I said chuckling "I feel dreadful too"

"Well, I think you look beautiful as always" Zayn said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer

"Shut up, you big cheese ball!" I said laughing at his cheesiness

"You love me really" he said smiling at me

"Maybe" i replied and moved my attention to the other boys

"So...what should be do?" Liam asked

"Get food!" Niall said excitedly

"Okay, what kinda food do you want?" Liam asked again

"Um....chinese!" He said thinking hard about his answer before informing Liam on his choice

"Everyone okay with that?" Liam said to the rest of us there was a chorus of "yes"s I stayed quite and allowed them to decide on what they wanted. I didn't really feel like eating. Once the boys had chosen what they wanted, which was just about the whole menu, Liam rang the takeout place and ordered for all of us.

When Liam had finished ordering the food he came back and we tried to agree on a what movie we were going to watch. Now for most people this would be a really easy activity, but not for the One Direction boys

The boys were still arguing when there was a knock on the door, meaning that the food had arrived. I got up and paid for it. Just the smell of the food made me feel slightly ill.

"Food!" I yelled I heard the boys running toward me. Niall snatched the bag out of my hand and ran to the little kitchen area and started dishing it up for everyone

"I don't want any thanks Ni!" I called as i sat next to Zayn and cuddled into him

"You sure,Carls?" He said

"Yeah thanks"

"Okay" He replied

"Are you alright,babe?" Zayn asked

"Yeah just not hungry, that all" i said "now did you decide on a movie??" I asked changing the subject

"Yeah! We wanna watch Harry Potter! All 7 of them!" Louis said excitedly

"Okay put it on then Lou" Niall said as he entered the the room with the boys meals on a tray. They took their's. I removed my head from Zayn chest so that he could eat and i could avoid the smell of the food. Louis search through the Netflix to find the movies and pressing play on the first one.

About half way through the second on everyone had finished eating and Zayn and I we snuggled up together. My eyes were getting heavy and before i knew it i was fast asleep.

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