Chapter 37

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A/N: Here's your next update guys  :)

love you, Charlie xx

p.s. im gonna change Gran to Nan, if you don't know what the word Nan means then its the same thing and these grandparents are her mum's parents :)


Later that day


All of us were sat in the living room watching the tv when the doorbell, signalling that my grandparents had arrived for dinner which my mum had just put in the oven. I went to go and answer the door.

"Hi!" I said greeting them enthuiasically

"Hello, Carly, how are you?" My granddad replied with a smile as he hugged my

"I'm fgood thank you, how are you? i asked as i hugged my Nan

"we're fine," My Nan smiled "Now, where's that boyfriend of yours?" she asked as she took her coat off and placed it on the same peg as my granddad had

"He's in the living room, come and meet him" I said leading them through into the living where the rest of my family and Zayn sat talking about the tv programme we had been watching before, Nan and Granddad greeted the rest of the family  "Zayn," i said as entered the room, causing him to turn and face me "This is my Gran, Mary and Granddad Tom" I informed him, he stood up from his seat and shook my granddad's hand "It nice to meet you" he then kissed my Nan's cheek.

"lovely to meet you too, Zayn" Nan said as we all sat down on the sofa,

"so are you already to move it to halls when you get to uni?" My granddad asked me,

"Actually i'm not moving it to halls i'm moving in with Zayn" I said shyly as I was slightly afriad of what my grandad would think of that because Zayn and I haven't been together that long

"Are you sure that a bight idea Carly? I mean you've only been together a short time and does he have enough money to have any extra person living in his house?" He questioned, worriedly, he was obviously unaware that Zayn was in the world's biggest boy band.

"Yes Granddad i'm sure it a good idea" i said trying to reasure him

"Mr.Mason, I have more than enough money to have Carly living with me" Zayn said smiling at him

"What do you do for a living then, Zayn?" My Nan questioned

"He's in a stupid boy band" my brother said, Zayn glared at him but said nothing, Damn why does he have be so nice to everyone!

"Nate Baker apologize to Zayn now!" My Mum Demanded "How dare you talk to him like that, will you just act your age for once in you life! your older than both Zayn and Carly and you act like your a five year old, its ridiculous, and it needs to stop now1" my brother rolled his eyes

"Don't you roll your eyes at your mother, son!" Dad snapped "Zayn has been nothing but kind to you and you treat him so badly i'm surprised he hasn't said reacted to your comments because it sure of hell would of!"

"Fine!" My brother huffed "Zayn i'm sorry" he said looking at Zayn

"It's fine" Zayn said making it seem like he actually forgave him, i looked at Zayn confused, smiled at me a kissed my cheek.

"Oh you're in a boy band then Zayn?" My Nan asked confirming the information had given her

"Yes, I am" He said smiling at my nan

"Is the band famous?" My granddad ask

"Yeah we are, we're going to do a world tour next year" Zayn informed them

"Oh really? thats great" My Nan said "Has Carly met the other boys?" She asked

"Yes i have and they're lovely" I said smiling at my Nan

"I'm not sure lovely sums up Louis all that well" Zayn laughed

"haha thats true" i giggled

"Dinner!" Mum called from the kitchen

A/N: okay so that's it for now guys :) I'll update again soon xx


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