Chapter Six

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Alison's POV:

"Hey! We're going to leave, cya later guys!" Spencer says. Aria and Hanna wave. Me and Emily look at each other.

"Yeah, cya later!" I yell before they shut the door.

"So, I was thinking.." I start as I wrap my arms around her neck

"Yeah, me to.." She finishes and kisses me. We make out for a few minutes against the wall. I attempt to pull her shirt off. She stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, i'm going to go make some pancakes." She smirks.

"Fuck. To. The. No. Emily Fields! Stop teasing me! Get your ass back here!" I yell then laugh.

She just smirks and runs down the stairs. I follow her.

"Have you ever noticed every morning we eat pancakes." I sit on the counter.

"Pancakes are loves. Pancakes are life." She chuckles.

"Uhh no, you've been mistaken." I give a half smile.

"Huh?" She turns around looking at me confused.

"Emily is love, Emily is life." I give her a sweet smile.

"Alison is love, Alison is life." She repeats but with my name. She continues to make the food and I go and watch TV. She comes back and sits behind me on the couch. Her legs around my body as I lay on her. Both plates on my lap. We eat and feed each other once in a while like a cute couple would. I checked the time, it had already been 1pm. We head over to Emily's because she needed something. Instead we ended up staying there for awhile and just hanging out. We we're all alone because her parents were in Texas.

"Ah, I gotta go, I've got this big test tomorrow and I should really study." I say with a pout on my face. I get up and walk towards the door.

"Byyeeeeee. Lovveee yoouu for ever and always!" She yells.

"Lovvee youu toooo!" I yell and shut the door.

About one hour later I decided to take a break on go onto my instagram. I go into my purse and notice my phone isn't in there. "Shit! I must have left it at Emily's. Well at least i have a excuse to go back and see her." I told myself. I grab my purse and a glass bottle of water. My dad doesn't like the cheap stuff in the plastic bottles, so here I am with the glass version, yet there's no difference in the water. my dad was just picky I guess. I arrive at Emily's house walking on her porch looking down at my purse to look just in case i was wrong. I knocked and almost fell over and I looked up and found the door wide open. Why the fuck was the door wide open. This isn't going to be good.

"Emily.." I call out through the house. No answer.

I look in the kitchen, living room, her bedroom, then all the other rooms.

"Emily!!" I scream. She's not here.

I find my phone and I try to call her cell phone. No answer. Text her. Nothing. Where the fuck was she..?

Instantly names popped in my head and conclusions.

Maybe she went out with one of the girls and forgot the shut the door. Or maybe she didn't lock it and someone came in looking to rob her. What if -A took her? No I would have sent me a text telling me to do something to get her back. What if it was sent to one of the girls? No they would have told me by now.

I look in her room again and realize there is drips of blood on the ground. A string of rope on the ground.

Who would have wanted revenge on her? Or who would have wanted to have revenge on me by taking her from me? Then it hits me.

Paige McCullers.

To Be Continued..

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