Chapter Nine

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--Hey y'all so I'm going to my lame cabin for a night so I might not be able to upload tomorrow but I might be able to get internet. Who knows. 😂👌--

Alison's POV:
It was about that time of when me and Hanna were so done with A's bullshit. We were so about to flip shit and fuck that barn up. Thankfully there was Spencer and Aria to stop us. It was getting pretty late so we had went back to our own houses. I got into Spencer's van and we drove to my house first to drop me off. The whole ride being silence. Nothing was needed to be said at this point. We arrived at my house and said my goodbye's and thanked them for everything that they've ever done. I got in my house and no one home as usual. I basically live in this house alone. Considering my dad and mom are always gone on business trips and Jason is who knows where each night. But I didn't really care. It was better if I was alone. I could cry as loud as I want, maybe not that loud though. I don't want the neighbours to think I'm depressed or anything. But I basically am, so who gives a shit! I went up to my room and went to bed. My last thoughts were "another day in failure, I will find you my love."

Emily's POV:
"Let me guess, punch me for no reason at all time?" I groaned. "Your bitchy friends found my lair so I'll be moving in and I'll be here way more than often. Thank your friends and your so called sweet bitch, Alison." They told me. "Alison." I whispered to myself. I've missed that girl. I missed her laugh. I missed her hugs. I missed her kisses. I missed her beautiful face. I missed her morning kisses. I missed her body. I missed her. I'd do anything to see her again. And one day I will see her again. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in years, but no matter what I'll always love her. I just hope she thinks the same. My thoughts were interrupted by them kicking me in the stomach. I groaned in pain. "Bitch." They said while they smirked. "To think you were all nice when we first came to this." I groaned again. "Hun you haven't even seen the mean side of me." They laughed.

Alison's POV:
Today was another day. A day of success. A day of failure. A day of love. A day of heartbroken. Who knows what today holds. I got ready as usual and met the girls. Me, Aria, and Hanna were eventually waiting on Spencer. Which was odd because usually she is the first one here. "Ugh when is the bitch going to get here!" Hanna groaned in boredom of waiting. "no kidding." Aria agreed. "I'll call her." I said. I dialled her number and called. A voice came on and it was shaky as if someone picked up. I heard a beginning of a scream and the phone hung up. I explained to Hanna and Aria what I heard. "Awh hell nawh. Bitch got your sister!" Hanna yelled. "Don't start flippin' shit now Hanna." Aria said calmly. "Aria! Don't you get it Emily is gone! Spencer is gone! It's only a matter of time till your gone, or Alison, or me!" Hanna yelled. "I get it Hanna! I just don't want to fucking believe it!" Aria argued back. "OKAY SETTLE THE FUCK DOWN."
I screamed and they shut their mouths.

But they were right. It is only a matter of time until each one of us is gone. That's what happened. The next day it was Aria. Then Hanna. Then me. Where did it all go? Waking up to a beautiful girl. Having amazing friends. Not having a care in the world. Where did that go? What did I ever do to make this happen.
Sure I was horrible to many people. I get that someone would want to do this to me. But why my friends? Why Emily. They don't need to be in my mess. And they shouldn't. I should be the one getting all the pain. I should be the one getting hurt every minute of my life. Not them. They did nothing to deserve this. If there was only a way to go back. To keep them safe. Even if it meant not having Emily love me. I'd do anything to keep them safe..


Damn that was a dramatic af ending. 😂😂👌

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