Chapter Eight

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Alison's POV:
It's been about three days and I've been flipping shit every minute of those three days. I haven't slept accept from when I cried so hard, I cried myself to sleep. But today is the day. Today is the day I'm going to fuck up so much shit I'm going to find Emily. If I don't. And if I never will. My life is over. I currently was curled up in my bed lightly crying, I sat up and thought about Emily. I thought about what I'm going to do to it/him/her/bitch when I find them. I got so pissed I threw my brush at my mirror. My mirror shattered and a glass cut my foot. "FUCCCCK" I screamed. That fucking hurt. "Like I wasn't hurt enough." I mumbled to myself. I went into the bathroom and took the glass out and cleaned it up and put a bandaid over it. I'm so done with this bullshit life. I got dressed and applied makeup to cover my red eyes. I got into my car and drove. I didn't know where I was driving. But I just drove. Eventually I drove so far I reached the end of a dirt road. There was an abandoned barn there. I opened my car door and got enough courage to go into this mysterious barn. It was dark and nothing in it. I started to have tear drops going down my face so I leaned against a wall which had set something off. A hidden door opened. I took out my phone flashlight and turn it on and entered the room. I seen many posters, not just posters, but posters of me and the girls. I seen a computer set up with some files next to it and a doll house and some dolls that looked just like us. I realized that this must be A's lair. I looked around the barn to see if Emily was in here. I looked and looked.
Nothing. The computer screen showed Emily screaming, if she were here I'd be able to hear her. I got into the car and sent an SOS to the girls.

-few hours later-

I told the girls everything. We had just parked at the arm I found earlier. We were here to find Emily and clues. We got out of the car and showed them the way. I set the trap off and faced them while the door opened.

"Alison, nothing is in here." Spencer said. "What?" I asked confused and turned around. Everything was gone. I entered the room and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I saw. The girl's entered and has the same reaction. In red spray paint it had "This is a warning, stop looking for Emily and you'll be safe, if you don't listen, someone else will soon be gone. -A" I basically screamed. "OKAY IM SO DONE WITH THIS BITCH. I'M ABOUT TO KILL A BITCH." I yelled. "Ali relax we'll find her." Hanna said while holding me as I cried on her shoulder. We heard a scream come from out of the barn. We rushed outside but found nothing. But then Aria piped up. "Guys-" she stuttered. She pointed at some blood on the ground. "There's a note on it." Hanna said. "Game on bitches. -A" Spencer spoke. "I'm afraid this is only the beginning." I said in a scared voice.


Yay, more chapters. 😂, I'll be uploading tomorrow because why not.

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