Chapter 39

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{Shota Hanami P.O.V}

"No no no no" I whisper. With tears in my eyes I look at the pregnancy test in my hands. Why?! Why now?! Why from this bastard?! I sob softly while pressing my hand against my lips, to silence any sounds that's coming out. I allow myself to cry for three minutes. Then I stop. I take a deep breath and stand up from the toilet. I dress myself in my hero costume. I braid my hair and finally throw the pregnancy test in the trash. I take the trashbag and walk downstairs. "I'll be going!" I shout. "Don't you want some breakfast, Hanami?" Chiaki says as she walks out of the kitchen. "I'm fine" I answer. "You sure, it's the third day you skipped breakfast" Arisu says as she follows her mother out. "Yeah I'm sure, thanks for your concern" I say smiling. "You know the help gets those right?" Arisu says after looking at the bag in my hands "it's fine! Ittekimasu!" I quickly walk out and dump the trash in its rightful place before heading toward the meeting Ryukyu asked me to attend. I wave at her as I see her waiting for me. "Sorry I'm late!" I say as I reach her. "Not at all, not at all" she says.

I'm surprised at all the heroes that's already here. But it seems not everyone is since people keep walking in. After a while even Aizawa does. It takes me a while to look at him. But after almost three weeks of no contact I send him a small smile. "I'll be right back" I say to Ryukyu. I walk toward my husband and softly take his hand, making him look up. My heart hurts when I look at him, at the same class time it beats so much faster when he's near. I missed his smell, I've missed his touch. Just admit that you missed him.. "can we talk..after this?" I ask softly. He looks surprised but nods "of course" he strokes an escaped strand of hair behind my ear, and I let him. I close my eyes when his fingers slightly touch my jaw. "Arisu texted me, why are you skipping breakfast?" He asks as I open my eyes. "We'll talk later" I say. With that I let go of his hand and walk back to Ryukyu. "Everything Allright?" She asks. "Everything is fine" I answer smiling. After a little while Asui, Uraraka who also intern at Ryukyu's and Nejire join us.
Both Ryukyu and I are shocked to hear that this overhaul guy uses the blood of his daughter to make these quirk erasing bullets. Almost automatically I lay my hand on my belly. I feel Aizawa's glance but ignore it. He explains how his quirk works differently then the bullets. A little discussion starts when Rock Lock states that it all would've been different if Midoriya and Mirio just taken the girl. "Why don't we get started, there's a child in need out there, and that's what matters the most" Ryukyu says and I nod agreeing.

After the meeting I wait in a hallway for Aizawa with my hands behind my back. This meeting left an impression on me. Whatever my own situation is, I'm gonna help this child. Whatever Aizawa may say. "Ayumi says you've been nauseous a lot past week, Arisu says you've been skipping breakfast, you've taken out the trash that the help takes from your bathroom every week, plus you're reaction in I have to do the math Hanami?" I look up and see Aizawa waking down the hall toward me. "Still been keeping tabs on me huh?" I ask. "They just called or texted me whenever they get worried" he answers. "And is that a lot?" I ask. "Don't blame them" he answers. He places his hands in his pockets and I shift my eyes toward my feet. "You really hurt me Aizawa" I whisper. "I thought you were different" I add. "I'm sorry" he says. "There's nothing I can say or do to make it right" he says. That's true. "Thank you for giving me the time and space to think" I say. "I hated myself for it, but I still love you. We're all human and we all make mistakes. I'll forgive you this time, but you do need to earn my trust back" I say. I finally look up and Aizawa smiles slightly. "I won't let you down again" I smile but don't respond. "Don't you have anything to say to me?" He asks. "I have. But you should check on your students first"

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