Chapter 30

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{Shota Aizawa P.O.V.}

I sigh softly as I stack all the forms I have to bring tomorrow while going to the students houses, for the talk with their parents. I stretch and yawn as I glance over to the clock. Time to head for bed. I glance at my phone as it rings and raise my eyebrows as I see my little sisters name on the screen. "Yeah" I say after I pick up. "Heya niisan" she days. "Whats up?" I ask as I lean back in my chair. "Nothing really. Hanami arrived this afternoon" she says "I know" I answer. "I kind of want to talk about that" Ayumi says. "Okay...what's wrong? You don't want her there?" I ask. "That's not it niisan, I'm happy she's here" I wait for Ayumi to continue. "I'm wondering why you're not" she eventually says. "Well..she kind of got her stuff and left. Didn't really had a chance to talk to her alone, besides that I'm busy with work. I have to go by the students houses tomorrow. You know that you made the consent forms" I answer. "I know but it probably would've been easier to settle in if you were here Niisan" Ayumi says.

I sigh deeply. "I know..I wanted to bring her over..but like I said she left" I say. "And you didn't come after her?" I scoff at her tone. "Yeah, decided to give her some space. She called me when she wanted to talk" I say. This time Ayumi sighs deeply. "She needed you, you know" I close my eyes. I know... "I was there to comfort her, but that girl has so much pain..." I scratch my chin. "I know" I whisper. "So..I think it maybe is a good thing she's here you know..she has the time and the space to work through it all. There's enough to do around here for her to find her peace again" Ayumi says. "That's why I sent her up there. Just wish I could've come along, hold her when she needs it" I sigh. "I know niisan, just get over here when you can. She'll appreciate that. And we'll be here for the other times she needs someone" I smile slightly. "Thank you Ayumi" I hear her chuckle. "Yuuto lit up when he saw her again. It was adorable. I think it even cheered her up a little." I chuckle. "I bet he did. That's good"

After I put the consent forms in my bag before taking it and get downstairs to get coffee. I don't like to wear a blouse and tie but since we're visiting parents I guess I don't have a choice. I'm surprised to see Nezu at the bar as I walk into the kitchen. "It's not like Bloomima to leave without saying goodbye" he says as i pour myself some coffee. "No its not. Probably just her pride getting in the way" I say. "Pride?" Nezu chuckles. "It may not seem that way but she does have some" I say amused. "How is she doing?" He asks, genuinely concerned for his employee. " she's having a hard time, but she does understand your decision. It's just, with everything else it was kind of the last straw" I sigh. "But she has time to grieve now, to try to work out her demons, so she'll be fine" I say. Will she though? "You look troubled" Nezu say. "I'm worried. I'd rather have her close but this is the next best thing. Still worried though" I say. Nezu smiles. "I'm sure she'll be fine Erazer.. and we'll be happy to welcome her back as soon as the villain is captured and everything is cleared up." He says "yeah" I mumble. All Might walks into the kitchen also ready to go. Why did I have to go with this guy?! "Ohayo" he says smiling carefully as if he knows he just interrupted a conversation.

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