Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ruby stomps her foot on the table.

Ruby: Justice will be swift! Justice will be pain! It will be delicious!

Team JNPR starts throwing watermelons over towards us as I grab two breadsticks before running back to the group.

Ruby: Yang turkey!

Yang runs up and puts her fists into two turkeys and start punching and breaking watermelons with them. I on the other hand went over to the side away from where the melons were landing and rushed them as I come across Ren with his leeks I swing one breadstick to at him from the right soon followed a strike from the left. He managed to block both strikes and swung at me from the left I block both of his leeks and swing at his legs off balancing him and kick him back into a pile of tables. I looked around and saw a knocked out Weiss and a collapsed pillar. I look back to the fight and saw a can flying at me a try to dodge it but it hits the ground in front of me I get knocked back and onto a swing from Nora's melon hammer sending me to the wall.

Y/n: (Dazed) Anyone get a number on that melon?

I slowly look back up and saw Ruby using her semblance and was picking up all the food and drinks and turning it into a tsunami as she passed each member of team JNPR picking them up as well. Ruby stopped at the wall as it cracked from the wind force she created and jumped up to avoid the tsunami as JNPR gets planted on the wall and pelted with food and drinks creating a colorful work of art from nothing but food. As she lands they four on the wall come off as well.

Sun: I love these guys.

I look over and saw I landed next to the door and saw Sun and a soda covered Neptune. Glynda comes in quite mad looking and fix the cafeteria that we wrecked.

Glynda: Children, please. Do not play with your food!

Nora burps aloud as both Team JNPR and Team RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder.

Ozpin: Let it go.

Glynda: (sighs) They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.

Ozpin: And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.

Timeskip after cleaning ourselves

I was in the library with RWBY and JNPR as RWBY were playing Remnant the game. Jaune was reading a comic, Pyrrha was reading a normal book before switching it with Jaune's comic, Ren was reading, and Nora was sleeping. It was Ruby's turn in their game as she ready to play her card.

Ruby: Yang Xiao Long prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: Bring it on.

Y/n: Ruby, wait do-

Ruby: I deploy the atlesian air fleet. Looks like I get to fly right over your ursai and attack your walls directly.

Y/n: To late.

She the proceed to make airplane noises and a form of a plane gesture with her hands.

Yang: You fiend.

Ruby: And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn.

She started getting confused once Yang started to laugh.

Y/n: Tried to warn you.

Yang: Hehehe... Pretty sneaky sis, but you just activated my trap card. Giant nevermore if I roll a seven or higher fatally feathers will slice your fleet in two.

A whole new World Reboot (Earth male Faunus Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now