This soundwave quickly disabled and burst the eardrums of the approaching underlings

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This soundwave quickly disabled and burst the eardrums of the approaching underlings. Ectoplasm shot out a bunch of clones that began attacking and apprehending the downed underlings to secure the area. Nezu pointed down and ordered, "Split up and protect the students!" The pro heroes charged to reach the students, Shigaraki croaked out from his spot on the floor. "D-Dammit...Kurogiri..we failed. Game over, take us ho-" Shigaraki was hit with another shot as bullets rained down, the warp villain quickly surrounded the ringleader as bullets hit different warps, protecting Shigaraki. As a last resort while being held up on her feet by two students, Thirteen pointed all fingers and tried to capture Kurogiri as he was warping Shigaraki away. The blue-haired villain stared at All Might as he slowly disappeared, "I lost this time...b-but next time..I will kill you.." Shigaraki and Kurogiri disappeared into a warp and Thirteen stopped her blackhole. The teachers began spreading out to the different areas, securing each group of students and apprehending villains.

    This world of villainy. What the pros deal with, true evil. This was an experience that these new first-year students were not ready for. Izuku was frustrated, "I-I...wasn't able to do anything..." All he heard in response was, "That's not true." Izuku looked up at his Father, a quickly deforming All Might with one-half of himself back to his normal form, the steam hiding him. "If it weren't for those few seconds you bought me, I'd be a dead man. You saved me, son." Izuku teared up at the praise, back to his crybaby self, "Dad..." The blonde just smiled at his son and Izuku walked slowly up to him, hugging the tall Symbol of Peace. "I-I' glad you're okay!" Izuku's grip tightened and All Might winced, "O-Ow..Izuku. My side.." Izuku lessened his grip, "S-Sorry..." He had his fluffy green hair pet by All Might comfortingly, which only made the kid cry some more. They were interrupted by Kirishima beginning to run toward the now fully deflated Toshinori. "Guys! Are you okay?!"

    Toshinori and Izuku immediately panicked in their own minds, saying the same thing in their head. 'C-Crap! He's gonna see!!' Katsuki's eyes widened as he saw the redhead run toward Toshinori, 'F-Fuck! Uncle Tosh!' Kirishima was suddenly blocked by the concrete moving up like a wall in front of him, being interrupted by Cementoss. "Young Kirishima, we'll deal with the injured. Please get to the gate, we must make sure you're all okay." A little confused, but understanding, Kirishima nodded and ran off to the gate with Todoroki and Katsuki. The father and son sighed a big sigh of relief and the blonde turned his head to Cementoss. "Thanks, Cementoss. You saved me." Cementoss just smiled, "I am a fan of yours too. Anything to help you, Yagi. Now let's get you to the Nurse's office with Aizawa. You always must act recklessly, huh? You and your son." Izuku chuckled and smiled, "Guess it runs in the family." Cementoss just sighed, "Okay. Young Yagi, please head to the entran-" He was immediately objected by the green-headed broccoli, "Nuu! I wanna stay with Dad. Make sure he's okay." Toshinori just sighed, "It can't be helped, Cementoss. A SWAT team wouldn't be able to pry Izuku from me if he wants to be with me. Take him with me, keeping us hidden." Cementoss nodded and began secretly escorting the two Yagis away.

Father and Son (Dadmight AU)Where stories live. Discover now