und ich oop

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I hath been tagged, bring forth the one who hath done this unspeakable feat



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1) Name?

*cough* my friends call me Terrey

2) Dogs or cats?

uhhhhhhhh- both?

3) Describe yourself in 3 words

Loyal, gay, and dumb

4) first person i followed on wattpad?

is- uh fern_writes_stories apparently

5) Last movie i watched?

was Glass, a really good movie(might make a fanfiC--) and the part that was in a warehouse was actually shot at my school complex

6) Fav name for a pet?

Is uh- Thing One

7) Day or night?

Night because i write around 1-3am(expect more chapters for different books soon)

8) Youtube or Netflix?

Oh damn. Well i guess Netflix because it has more things i can binge and without ads

9) face reveal?

I guess I'll do a face reveal soon(because i deleted the previous one👀) 😉

10) tag 15 people





iiKoreapretzelsii (lmao sorry)

Icefang11 (again, sorry)


spicy-lemon (my alt account lmao)

usasister (sorry)



Wattpad (mega power move)

Only 12 but it's fine.

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