Chapter 2

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(Note that everything you and your people say are in your language)


You wake up to your head military officer shaking you awake. You hesitantly get up and ask "what is it?" He looks at you with a grim face and says "there are too many ships and planes for us to take down."

You spring up from your bed, and he leaves your room, presumably to go fight off the intruders. You change into a turtleneck and black pants, grabbing a white and red coat to cover the rest of your body, it covers the neck part of your body too, concealing all of your bandages. Your body is almost completely bandaged, but that's normal in your country.

You rush over to the command center, low and behold, there are about a dozen ships and planes. You see a flag on one of them, it has a quarter of it blue with stars. It has red stripes going horizontal through the rest of it.

You panic, and the officers notice. You say "how many can we take down concerning their estimated strength?" They look at you and say "without using our higher tech weapons, less than half." You panic again, if you use the high tech weapons, the ships and planes will ruin your waters, and will wash up on shore, ruining the shores too.

You say "we will wait and see what they want, but if they try anything suspicious, we kill them all." They nod, but one says "we will send a few of our men to accompany you, bringing the plasma blasters(hell yeah)." You shake your head no, and say "i want to come off peaceful despite shooting down their previous planes and ships." The head officer says "you know they're not just gonna forget about that, right?"

"Yeah, but maybe we can come to a compromise." "We can't give them our raw materials, they will know we have a lot and maybe even try to invade, alerting the others of our presence." You say.

"We will see later." You conclude, walking out of the room and moving to your docks on your island. You're the only one on your island, being the actual country and all. You see some planes land, and a few ships dock.

You notice someone with their flag on their face walks out of a plane, wearing what seems to be shaded glasses and makes his way towards you.

He says "hello." You don't understand his language, and he seems to understand that. He is completely confused on how to teach you their language. You are too, but you stay expressionless, hoping that he will just leave.

Instead, another country steps out of another plane, and they have blue on the one third of their face while white and red is on the other.

They both start talking to eachother in their language and you could only make out the words 'capture' 'the' and 'flag'. (Im sorry i had to).

You slowly scoot away inch by inch. As soon as you moved a full foot away, they notice you leaving. You bolt for the command center, both of them a few meters behind you.

You get in there, close the door, and start giving out orders. You try to decipher what the two countries were talking about but to no avail.

After a minute or two, both of the countries come in to the room. You were in the middle of telling one of your officers something so they heard you speak.

You lpok back at them and realize that they are also trying to be peaceful. You hold up your hand and tell everyone to stop. You face the two countries and hold out your hand, saying "hello" in your language.

They dont understand at first but then they both try to shake your hand, accidentally smacking eachother. The striped one shakes your hand first, then the one split into three shakes your hand. The door slams open, revealin another country. This one is blue with white lined red stripes going through it.

He starts speaking to the others who you think explain the situation to him. You get confused in all this and they end up leaving. Before they leave, the red striped one kisses the top of your hand. You blush a little, but it's not noticeable.

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