Chapter 19

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This kid on my bus has airpods help


You play with your hat as you wait for Soviet and Nazi to come back. 23 days and 5 hours had passed since they left after you first saw them. You met them every day. Or at least you thought it was days. Sometimes one of them would show up alone.

Like today. Nazi walks up behind you as you draw with the stuff Soviet brought you. He puts his hands on your shoulders, making you jump up and run away.

He laughs as you slowly walk back to him. You pout, and say "what was that for?!" He smiles and says "Soviet is trying to convince the others to meet you."

Your face lights up. You hug him, and he stiffens at the sudden reaction but hugs you back. You start rambling about how excited you are.

Soon, Soviet shows up with what looks like Fascist Italy from what Nazi described. He looks at you with a judging face and then shakes your hand.

You smile at him, and he somewhat smiles back. In the corner of your eye you can see Third Reich turning a bit bright red.


A/N: sorry but this chapter will be cut short because my friend is coming over for the weekend and therefore i wont be able to post a chapter on the weekend. I might be able to post a longer chapter after this to make up for it. Sorry comrades.

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