21: Wistful Wisterias

Start from the beginning

Why am I so scared of you? He asked himself, talking to the ocean. Keith walked down onto the beach. Standing out here, he felt a little better. The feeling of anxiety still pulled at his heart, but it had weakened. How is it that I feel better watching the ocean, but any thought about going into it sends me running?

"It didn't used to be like this," Keith whispered to no one. Maybe there was a ghost watching him who needed to hear that, or a fish in the water. "I used to love the water. Shiro and I could spend hours jumping over waves, and Adam would always watch from the shore. I don't know why he didn't go into the water. I know he loved it though, because later when no one was around he and Shiro would spend time together in the ocean. It was kind of strange, but Shiro loved him, so I did too."

Keith smiled remembering his younger years. It had always just been him and Shiro, no parents. They would do anything for each other. That's why you need to do this, Keith. Don't let the ocean take another person you love. He stared at the ocean once more. The rain had lightened a little, and the waves were calmer.

I just need to get it over with. Keith removed his shoes and took a step towards the water. He could feel his nerves begin to spark, but pushed them down.

He took another step. And another. His ankles now rested in the saltwater, the same depth he'd gotten to with Lance. Keith took a breath in an attempt to calm his nerves. It didn't really help, but he continued anyways. He shivered from the rain and cold water, but waded forward until he was waist deep.

"See," he assured himself, "it's okay. I'm okay."

Just then a crack of lightning struck in the distance, and thunder filled the atmosphere. Keith almost lost his balance at the shock.


"Okay, maybe I can't do this," he said, then turned around. He could feel some relief as he waded back to the shore. The waves seemed to be getting stronger, and it became hard to push against the current. Keith's nerves started again. His breathing faltered as bad possibilities echoed through his mind with each crack of thunder.

A wave hit right beside him and Keith felt himself being pulled back. No— please, no— he fought, but the current was stronger. His panicking didn't help, but only made movements harder.

He was lifted off his feet. The current pulled at his ankles until he could hardly feel the ground anymore. Keith's heart was racing when he was brought underwater. The boy swam, trying to keep his head in the air, but his efforts only brought him farther away from the shore. It was his worst nightmare come true. Please be a nightmare, please be a nightmare, Keith thought, though he knew it wasn't. This was very real. Too real to be a nightmare.

He couldn't see anything, and it stung to open his eyes. Keith felt himself on the brink of a panic attack, but he tried to hold it back. That would only make things worse.

It was no use, though. His body was already exhausted and sleep-deprived. He couldn't hold on much longer.

I'm sorry, Shiro. Keith felt himself begin to lose consciousness. He was surrounded by darkness, reaching out for nothing. I can't hold on any longer. In his mind he pictured his brother, and reached out to hold his band.

He felt something take his hand.

It was smooth, but bumpy at the same time.

Like scales.

Keith thought that maybe he was imagining it, but it felt too real. One picture filled his mind: Lance.

Maybe Lance came to save me. He got out of the jail on his own and is going to save me from drowning. Or maybe it's sharks. Knowing my luck, it's probably sharks.

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