Chapter 16: My Father's Temper

Começar do início

I had not done my best when dropping the news of my change in plans, and so naturally, Marie was a bit upset with me about it. The other girls, I noticed were not sure what to think about the ordeal, though they kept quiet as they were to be guests in Marie's home very soon.

"Ah, here's the American," the always charming voice of Jacqueline was heard behind me. She had just given her luggage to the carrier when she stopped to watch the Dutch party take their leave in front of me.

"I'd be surprised if their drama would last for even half of winter break." I turned to look at her, surprised by how serious she looked as she spoke.

"Really?" She nodded, as we started toward the carriage for Paris.

"Do you really think this is the first time someone has blown of another's girls holiday plans? People get over it. Or they jinx you first, but then you usually end up alright."

"Jinx? Jacqueline, do you honestly think Marie is the type to jinx me?" I squeaked as we entered the carriage. Giselle was already situated by one of the windows, reapplying her lipstick with a flourish.

"Oh absolutely," She mused. "She's stubborn enough, isn't she?"

"Who's stubborn enough?" Gisele asked, peaking up from her flouting mirror. Jacqueline plopped herself across her friend and snatched the mirror from the air absently.

"Ava's questioning whether Marie is stubborn enough to jinx her after ditching Marie's break plans."

"I did not ditch!" I snapped in retaliation, making Jacqueline's eyes spark dangerously.

"Oh? Then what did you do? Not promise weeks before that you would travel with her, and let her get excited about hosting an American such as yourself at her house?"

That silenced me as the shame ran hot through my body. Jacqueline made brief eye contact with Gisele who was looking pensive before turning to me.

"Marie's stubborn, but I don't think she's mean enough to go far as to jinx something of yours. Best perhaps to give her space and apologize when you next see her."

"But I already have!" I stuck back causing Jacqueline to scoff.

"Merlin, Ava. Do you ever accept that sometimes you're just in the wrong? Apologize again. And continue to apologize until the girl feels better. And even after that, you should be on your best behavior. Now hand me that," She demanded turning her gaze to the lipstick in Gisele's hand.

No one likes being told off, and having it done in the middle of a public area where people can hear, makes it that much worse. I only had to turn down the aisle and find a pair of green eyes, Isabeau's eyes, looking back at me as she innocently ate a chocolate frog for me to know that she heard the whole conversation and judged me that much more for it.

By the time the carriage braced back on the land at the Chateau, I was sick and tired of the people around me and wanted nothing more than to go home.

Thankfully, Grand'mère wasn't in the mood to talk much either on our way home.

It turns out that my mother had declined Grand'mère's invitation to host Christmas with the family and was now very upset about it. It has been some years since I last celebrated the holidays with her, and when I have, it was always an uncomfortable affair with my mother. That, among others was one of the main reasons why we never celebrated with her.

"I always thought that your mother would become kinder to me after she had children. But Merlin knows why she hasn't!" She complained as we drove back in the icy rain and traffic.

The Years of Blue [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora