A Good Time?: SoKai ending

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(A/N: I'll be nice and do SoKai first.)

Sora pulled Riku's hands away and ran off to find Kairi. He found himself in front of his girlfriend's house, and knocked hesitantly on the door.

Kairi opened it, took one look at him, then slammed the door shut.

"I kinda deserve that, don't I? For being a jerk and thinking it was okay to cheat on a girl I love with all my heart. Stupid, stupid, stu-!"

He lost his train of thought when he felt soft lips on his. Thinking the person was Riku, he shoved the person away. Then he realized something.

Riku doesn't do soft and easy.

Kairi does.

"I'm sorry Kairi, I thought you were someone else." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"...Did you really mean what you said?"

"I said that out loud?"

"Yep. So...did you mean it? That you love me with all your heart? That you'll never cheat on me again?"

"Yes." He was sorry for that, even though he was forced into it.

"...Do you wanna stay here, or do you wanna go back?"

He smirked. "Let's give them one hell of a show!"

They chased each other back to the party, knowing that Sora would keep his promise.

After all, Sora always keeps his promises, right?

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