RokuShi: What's a Day Off?

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(A/N: MY SECOND STRAIGHT SHIP IN THIS ENTIRE BOOK! There isn't many of these, though.)

"Roxas! Open up!" Xion banged loudly on the door.

Roxas sighed. "You know you can use a corridor of darkness to come in, right?"

"But I have something to ask you. It's important!"

Roxas sighed again and left his bed to open his door. "There, are you happy now?"

"Yeah!" Xion went inside. 

"What question did you want to ask me?"

Um..." Xion looked a bit nervous. "What's a day off?"

He stared at her for a few seconds, then he exploded. "YOU MADE ME OPEN MY DOOR FOR THAT?" 

"Well, do you know what it is?"

"OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT?! IT'S-" He paused for a second. "Actually, I don't know. Let's ask Axel."

"Okay!" Xion grabbed his hand and ran off to the clock tower, Roxas being dragged behind her.

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"A day off, huh?" Axel sat there for a moment, thinking. Roxas and Xion came just in time for their daily sea salt ice cream.

"Yeah. Xion doesn't know what it is." Neither did he, but Roxas wasn't going to mention that.

"Well...It's when you have a whole day to yourself, something that Xemnas usually doesn't allow. You can do whatever you want for a full 24 hours."

"What does everyone else do?" Roxas asked.

"...Xemnas Just worships the moon, Saix is training, a couple of the other members are playing poker, and...that's all I know."

"What do you do, Axel?" Xion thought this "day off" sounded like fun.

"Me? I just sleep."


"Sure, why not?"

"B-But I don't understand...How can you waste an amazing day by sleeping?" Xion was getting upset.

Roxas sighed and gently took her hand. "It's all right, Xion. Hey, why don't we go to the beach instead of bothering Axel so he can sleep?"

"Your not-"

Roxas gave Axel a look.

Axel faked a yawn. "Yeah, I am pretty tired... Night guys." Axel made a corridor and left.

"Night!" Xion waved at him. Then she looked at Roxas. "Roxas?"


She shyly kissed his cheek. "Thanks for going to the beach with me, and helping me figure out what a day off was."

"S-Sure." Roxas just stood there with a blush on his face.

Xion giggled and made a corridor, heading into it.

Roxas stood there for a few more seconds until he realized he was alone. "HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" He ran into the corridor and it closed behind him.

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