AkuSai: Cold (Part I)

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(A/N: I finally do something AkuSai related...Took me long enough.)

Saix was handing out missions when Axel walked up to him. "Hey, chief. Got a mission for me?"

Saix rolled his eyes at Axel. "Yes, actually. You have a mission in Agrabah."

"Geez...I know I'm hot, but not that hot." Axel made a corridor and left.

Saix decided to ignore that comment and went over to the couch. Axel had given him a headache and he wanted to lie down. Unfortunately, Demyx was there as usual.

"Hi Saix!"

"Leave, number IX. I need to lie down."


Saix interrupted him. "Don't you have a mission to attend to?"

Demyx sighed and got off the couch. Saix laid down and closed his eyes, grateful that he could sleep. When he opened his eyes a while later, he saw Axel...cuddling him?

"LEA!" He kicked him off, blushing furiously.

Axel woke up. "What? Oh, hi Isa!" He smiled at him.

"HOW DID YOU GET THERE?!" More importantly, what would Xemnas think?

"Well, I finished my mission and went to give my report to you, but I ended up bumping into Demyx. He said that you were sleeping on the couch. I went to check on you, and you looked cold, so I started cuddling you!"

Saix still had a bit of red on his face. "Just...Next time you cuddle me, make sure you tell me first."

"So I can cuddle you?" Axel smirked and got on top of him, kissing his lips, then his neck.

Saix gasped. "Lea...Stop..."

Axel pecked him on the lips one last time and got off. "Fine...But you owe me a date since I warmed you up." He went off to his room.

Siax went to his room, deciding to pretend like nothing happened. "I owe him a date...but he never said when." He smirked.

"I'll keep him waiting forever."

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