Chapter 15

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Jesse flung the door open and Jacob ran in. Jesse quickly but quietly shut and locked the door again. My eyes were wide as I watched the panting Jacob.

"What happened?" I asked.

He looked at me and sat on the couch, catching his breath. Jesse walked over and sat next to me on the bed. We both watched Jacob with worried eyes. He looked up at us.

"He came into the dining room." He said. "He didn't think that you would go somewhere else. He asked for you to step forward and everyone went silent. Then the headmistress stepped forward and said you weren't here. He turned on her and asked where you were but she wouldn't say so he grabbed Hailey who was near by."

I felt my eyes widen. Not Hailey. He'd already got Oliver.

"He put the gun to her head and asked where you were. Hailey shouted not to tell him and he shot her in the foot. If you heard a gunshot that was it. Then he let her go and turned to Oliver and held the gun over his head and asked where you were again. I snuck out after that and ran up here as fast as I could." He said.

I stared at Jesse with wide eyes. People were going to get hurt, I had to reveal myself. I stood and tried to walk to the door before Jacob jumped up infront of me.

"No, don't go down there." He said.

"Getting me is better then him hurting alot of people." I said.

"We're not letting you go." Said Jesse.

"He's going to hurt them Jesse! He'll hurt all of them if he has to! I can't let him do that!" I cried.

"You're not going." Said Jacob.

I collapsed to the ground as sobs rocked through my body. Jacob put a hand on my shoulder but I saw it in his eyes, the fear, the pain. I turned to Jesse but he was looking out the window into the darkness. It was black. Good thing our eyes had accustomed to the darkness. A light would have given us away.

"You need to stay strong Savannah." Said Jacob.

I pushed his hand away and lent against the wall. Jacob sat back on the couch and we sat there in silence. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't let him hurt more people. Oliver and Hailey were both brave and strong but they didn't deserve this.

I felt hate boil inside me as I thought of him. His cold, black eyes that held no emotion. His hard, twisted face. The way he walked and the way he stood. I hated everything about him. I just wanted to know why me. Why my family.

I looked at the bed that Jesse was now lying on, from his breathing I could tell he was asleep. Good. I then turned to Jacob who was sitting with his head in his hands. I wondered what he could be thinking about. This must bring up memories of his family.

I sat bolt upright as another gun shot was heard. Jesse jumped up while Jacob flinched. I looked towards the door and jumped up but Jacob was too fast and grabbed me around my waist.

"You're not going down there." He whispered in my ear.

I turned and glared at him.

"I will not let him hurt anymore people." I said through gritted teeth.

"You don't have a choice. The detectives will get what happened and will be on their way back by now hopefully." He said.

I ripped from his hold and went back to sitting against the wall. He sighed and went to the couch. Jesse lay back down. I didn't know what to do, I had to get out.

We sat there in silence for a while and I suddenly realised they were both asleep. A smile broke across my face before I realised sneaking out was no reason to smile. I would probably die. I got up and went to to the door. I had one last look at my brother. I would miss him so much. Then my eyes drifted to Jacob. I felt a sorrow in my stomach I hadn't felt before.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I realised. I loved him. He was the first person I had loved since it happened. I quickly turned and walked through the door before I changed my mind.

 I ran to the stairs and down them. I reached the corridor near the dining room and started walking down it, I peeked around the corner to the dining room. I could see through the glass on the doors.

There were lights in there. They must have torches or candles. My eys fell on him, his back was to me and he was yelling at Brooke. She stood there taking it but I saw the fear on her face. He raised his gun and I ran forward and through the doors.

Everyone turned to me with wide eyes. Most in horror but his eyes, they light up. A evil grin spread across his face and he pushed Brooke away.

"Hello Savannah." He said in his dak voice.

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