Chapter Two- Helen

Start from the beginning

"They're coming every five minutes, now—Owwwww" Catherine pants and groans in pain as she sucks in the gas and air into her mouth.

"I'm just going to examine you, babe, okay?" I say softly. "See how far along you are" She nods in response as I push her legs up and then spread them apart.

"Right, my lovely, you're seven centimetres dilated—you're doing good, Catherine, nearly there" I coo. "When did the contractions start?" I ask. as I watch as Craig comforts his wife, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair.

"Early this morning," Catherine says sheepishly.

"Early this morning?" Craig growls. "You told me they only started an hour ago"

"I told you that, because you panic too much, babe," she tells him. "Besides, I was okay"

"Don't do that anymore, baby" he growls cupping her cheek. "I don't like the thought of you being in pain for so long, shit—how did I not see that you were in pain?" he asks as another contraction comes making Catherine moan in pain.

"Breathe, baby—breathe" Craig coos. "Fuck—I love you, so much"

"I love you, too" Catherine mutters around the mouthpiece as she sucks in the gas and air.

"That's good, babe—nice and slow, in and out" I coo.

~ • ~

An hour later, Catherine is ready to push, Craig's holding her hand as she squeezes through another contraction. "And—push, Catherine" I shout encouragingly. "Push down hard, babe—you can do it"

"Fuck" Craig squeaks like a girl as he looks at his hand in Catherine's.

He's funnier than the last time he was in...

I think to myself as I try to keep myself from laughing. Catherine stops pushing then, I check her and I can see the baby's head—she's not fully crowned but there. "Right, Catherine, on your next contraction, my love—I want to push with everything you've got, she's nearly here, babe"

Catherine pants for her breath as tears come down her face, Craig kisses them away, wiping the ones he can't reach. "Our little princess is almost here, baby," he says softly. "I'm so fucking proud of you, kitty cat, fuck"

I look at the baby monitor and see as another contraction is about to come. "Get ready, Catherine here comes another" I warn her as she sits up grabbing Craig's hand again. "And—Push"

Catherine pushes herself forward, pushing will everything she's got until she's turning purple. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck" she bellows. "She's ripping me a new arsehole" she cries breathlessly. "Is there another hole, Helen?" She asks me. "And don't you lie to me" she growls.

I try to keep a straight face as Craig is currently bent over shaking with laughter. The bastard...

"Nah, babe, still got the one hole—I promise," I tell her.

"Good" she pants in relief. "Fucking hell, I'm not sure, but I think she's got a bigger head than our Asher," she says looking at Craig. "Are you laughing at me?" She growls narrowing her eyes at her husband.

Craig goes ramrod straight in legit one-point-five seconds. "Nope, not me, baby," he says innocently. "God, you're so beautiful"

"Your daughter is halfway out my hoo-ha, Craig—I'm sweating buckets, I'm pretty sure you're chattin' shite right now" she growls. "And don't think I don't know that you're trying to distract me"

Luke & His Runaway Love (Book Two Of The "And His" Series) (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now