AU!Parent-teacher interview

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Hi, guys, I'm making an au where Chinatsu is a parent and Yami is the principal, they are talking about Chinatsu's son who is doing quite badly at school. I did this for fun and although it does say completed, I did that to make people stop commenting for more (sorry) it just pressures me a lot. Enjoy ;))))

This day starts off with Yami turning on his magical communicating device thing that called a certain someone. 

"Is this thing working?.." then the device glowed "Hey this is Principal Yami speaking, is this China Knightwalker I'm talking to?" 

"Hello Principal, this is China Knightwalker here" 

"Great." Yami mumbled "Now, China." then he went silent for a minute "Your name is China?"

"Yes, my name is China," she replied confused.

'WFT?' okay keep going "Okay, um I've contacted you to talk about your son he goes to my school."

China had a look of realization before it disappeared as she leaned back onto her office chair "Yes, what about him?"

"Well you see China, he's going through some troubles at our school - first of all, he's getting bullied quite horrendously."

"Well, I can't see why that would be" she replied monotonously flat. 

Yami let out a mental sigh "Well for starters any kid whose mother is named China is off to a fucking horrible start"

"Hmm" China hummed in thought "Okay."

"Also your son's name is Knightwalker, right?"

"Yes," China answered without hesitation. 

"And your name is China Knightwalker?" 

"That is correct."

"Therefore your son's name is Knightwalker Knightwalker" Yami revealed.

China hummed in thought again as she scratched her cheek "Yeah, no, er we didn't realize that until his fourth birthday." she admitted shamelessly. 

"Well, Knightwalker's getting fucking ruined out there in the playground and he's hasn't gotten his grimoire yet, he's still got all of the military service years to go through being called Knightwalker Knightwalker."

"Well, I actually thought it was quite gucci - Knightwalker Knightwalker," China admitted, swinging her designer shoes onto her office table. 

"Also you're from the Golden Dawn, right?"

"Yep, Vice-Captain, and the next in line, sir," China mentioned. 

"Okay, so why the hell is Knightwalker attending a school in the Black Bulls?" 

"Well, his father and I wanted to send him away to get the best education." China gestured on the other side. 

"He goes to the Black Bulls area public school - we've got 15 kids here, nearest largest town is three hours away by magic." 

Then a new voice was heard on China's side as what Yami could only assume to be her husband "Well, you know what they say - send the kids away and get them some experience."

"I don't know who he's supposed to be living with at the moment, but as far as we know he's been living on the streets. Word is that he's joined the Eye of the Midnight Sun gang."

"Okay, good luck China," her husband said before Yami could hear the sound of a door shutting.

Silence. The silence was awkward. Until another noise could be heard from China's end. 

"My son is calling me, Knightwalker let me add him into our conversation." 


"Hello, my son." 


"Yes, it's me, son."

"Mother, do I get to see you this year?"

China hummed "I'm afraid not son. I think my magic is a little drained from all my crusades to the Diamond Kingdom."

"Oh, just like last year then," 

"Ah, well we all do hate the enemy." China shrugged. 

"Knightwalker, how longs it been since you saw China?" Yami butted in. 

"About four years... I think"

"China, you'd rather go to a crusade than see your own son" Yami stated. 

"Well, we all do hate the enemy."

"Okay China, your son has been getting some of the worst magic levels we've seen on a record."

"That's because I can't do magic," Knightwalker said.

"Yeah, he can't do magic," China added. 

"Why the hell not!?"

"Yeah, we don't have any clue - he was just born like that." 


And more silence. 

"You do know you have to learn how to do magic after your born," Yami stated, more than asked. 

"Yeah, Knightwalker's always been more of a close combat fighter anyway." 

"That's not true, Knightwalker's been beaten up by everyone he's challenged." 

"That's because I can't fight." 

"Yeah, he can't fight." China agreed.  

"What kind of magic-knight-captain's son can't fight?"

"Honestly we have no idea, as soon as he came out - he just could not fight."

"This is blowing my mind."

"Yeah, this has been a really great chat, principal, but I gotta go," China said, packing her stuff. "It's urgent."

"Where are you going?"


"To the Diamond Kingdom." 

More silence, and inner frustration from Yami and then a sigh.  

"Knightwalker, have you ever been to the Diamond Kingdom?"

"What's a Diamond Kingdom?"

Anyway, the storyline of this is inspired by this hilarious skit:

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