The Arrogant Lord

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If the Black Bull's captain was that important to her then how come Chinatsu can't seem to even remember his name no matter how hard she tried to. It was like comparing him to the breakfast she had last month.

She stared intently at him from the balcony above to see him on the field. His eyes looked duller than usual and his cigarette hanged loosely in his mouth. Did that sign indicate that he was confused or tired? Chinatsu thought.

"Hey look the birds aren't flocking that guy" some examinee said from below.

Chinatsu looked down and saw a male with messy black hair and golden eyes. 'This guy is interesting.' Chinatsu thought leaning on her palm 'I wonder what this guy can do?'

Just then while she was too busy staring at the boy the examinees claim from the 'boonies' that she didn't notice someone bumping into the back of the Black Bull captain's back making all the previous birds who were chasing him flew away due to the mana radiating off the captain.

The Captain's eyes looks duller now and his neck is now tense. There will be blood, Chinatsu concluded. 'I don't mind seeing it happen though' she secretly thought. 'How could this get any better?' she thought she psychotic side taking over her head, but those thoughts didn't reflect on her mask for her mask stayed the same, bored and uninterested.

"Man, you look old! You must've had a hard life!" the boonie said in a cheery tone, putting one hand on the captain's shoulder.

Everything seemed silent. Chinatsu couldn't control her smile that threatened to stretch its own way to her lips. Yami put his giant hand on the boy's head and lifted him up from the ground "It appears you're ready to die." the Captain said darkly.

"Shouldn't you be doing something other than smiling about when some peasant is going to die in the hands of the foreigner." came an annoying arrogant voice behind Chinatsu.

She didn't like him, he could see even the smallest detail and change to her face. He knew her disapproval and all the things she secretly approves of. He thought of her as a psychotic hiding behind the mask of an angel, but in every angel a demon hides.

"What are you trying to say, Langris?" Chinatsu asked him without even glancing back at him.

He was one of the very many she didn't tolerate well with. She didn't tolerate with anyone well except a few who looked beyond her mask. "I am saying that if you enjoy watching this chaos erupt in front of your very eyes you should consider about switching squads, you would fit right in." Langris truthfully said, it's bold of him to say, considering you were the Vice Captain and had the power to punish him but he seem to take that risk.

She knew he was determined to expose her true self to everyone and have her demoted so he could claim her rank, he didn't necessary want her out - that would be a lost cause since he knew Golden Dawn wouldn't be the same without her, he genuinely enjoyed seeing her in Golden Dawn with her fake smile and calm demeanor which could quieten a storm. Langris had to admit he admired her strength and nothing more, but he despised her as a person, yes and her family's past really almost put him on edge about her.

She was a noble, but then that was before everything happened.

"Langris, is that your brother?" Chinatsu pointed to the court below, once Langris looked where her finer was pointed a sour look immediately overtakes his cocky expression he had on.

"What is that loser even doing here" he demanded as his teeth were grinded together, before he stopped and realized his Vice Captain was staring at him with a blank look, but he knew she was feeling smug at that point. He hated how he knew she knew everyone's disapproval it always made things go her way.

A HERO CAN FALL (Yami X OC X Yuno) [Black Clover]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя