Captain's Appreciation Day Part 2

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A knock was heard in the castle. The doors opened automatically upon the Painter's arrival.

"Greetings, Sir Augustus Farbridge." Chinatsu curtsied a bit to the said man who bowed to her.

"A good morning to you too, Lady Knightwalker and... yours accomplish," Augustus greeted her in return until he saw the towering titan behind her who now had some clothes on.

"You can safely ignore him, Sir Farbridge," Chinatsu said rather bluntly causing

the male behind her to send her an annoyed look.

"Yes, of course, my lady, now here is the painting that you have requested." the painter said clicking his fingers until two guards behind him carried a big painting with a cover on top.

Chinatsu looked bored at the towering painting that was twice of Yami's size. "Ohhhh," she said enthusiastically.

Yami sweatdropped "How much did this cost again?''

"Oh yes the price of this, do you want to pay in jewels, gold or diamond?" the painter asked casually as if paying in that currency was so occurring.

"Diamonds is fine," Chinatsu answered as a servant appeared behind her with a golden box served on a jewel-encrusted tray, turning around and taking the box she presented it to the painter who nodded before taking the box and shaking hands with her.

"Thank you for your purchase, it's a pleasure doing business with you, Milady." the artist bowed before leaving.

"That was hella quick, but why didn't you just give him the tray?!" Yami asked, rather seriously holding the tray he must've taken from the servant in his hands.

"Because that is a tray," Chinatsu answered rather confused on why Yami would mention such a prosperous thing as giving the best artist in the kingdom a castle tray.

"That's what I don't get about rich people! You have jewels and gold everywhere, do you know how much worth this tray it?!"

"It is a tray if you want you could have it." Chinatsu offered.

Yami's eyes then turned into gold dreaming about how much this tray was worth exchanging.

'Over one million bet tries! No, a lifetime of booze!'

"But, only if you work here." Chinatsu said breaking off Yami's dream midway "Those trays as you may know to belong to the servants that work in this castle."

Yami's aura then went gloomy.

"...But can't you spare a measly tray for me?" Yami practically begged.

"They belong to the current King so you will have to consult with him.." Chinatsu deadpanned.

"Oh come on, China-chan! You are next in line, right! You have some word into this." Yami urged.

Chinatsu sighed before scrunching her eyebrows together and deepening her usual glare "No."


"Because that would make me a 'bad soldier' and I cannot allow myself to do something that goes against his wishes. I swore to him that I would put my life before him and the Kingdom of the Clover." Chinatsu finished eyeing Yami who looked at her with a curious look.

"That's extreme, your basically his personal shield but you do you," Yami said before smoking a cigarette.

"Chinatsu is that you?"

The said woman narrowed her eyes at the figure approaching them from the hallway 'This is bad!' as she saw the person.

"Hey isn't that-" before Yami could continue Chinatsu swiftly shoved the painting to Yami and pushed him out the window, breaking the glass in the process.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Chinatsu turned around greeting her Captain.

"Good afternoon, Captain Vangeance." she bowed at a 90-degree angle.

The said captain smiled at her, "Chinatsu I told you to just call me William."

"That is not appropriate for me to do!" she spoke, still bowing.

William laughed at her but also noted her change in behavior today, she wasn't as disinterested as usual 'perhaps good weather today?' the captain concluded.

"But if you don't mind me asking what are you doing now? You're supposed to prepare yourself for the ball tonight." Chinatsu asked not getting up.

"You caught me, I was hoping to have a stroll around the castle's garden knowing no one will be there at a time like this. But I was surprised to see you today, Chinatsu please get up." her Captain ordered in all seriousness genuinely worried about his Vice-Captain's well being in general.

"I apologize Captain! I also apologize for being here at an inconvenient time!" she apologized.

"It's alright Chinatsu, I shouldn't just assume your behavior, you are your own person after all. And this is not to be strange for you to be seen in your castle, after all, you do reside in here," he reassured.

Chinatsu nodded staring at her Captain in the eye, that would make anyone else uncomfortable but knowing her Captain he was already used to this, he sometimes wouldn't get why someone would just run if they caught her looking at them.

William shot Chinatsu a smile "Do you want to perhaps accompany me there?"

"Yes, I would like to very much, Captain Vangeance-" Chinatsu said before getting cut off by two arms placing themselves onto her stiff shoulders.

"William. Just call me William." their faces were to close right now, but they didn't notice as they both stared into each other's eyes almost lovingly someone would say.

"Okay... William."

They both smiled, Chinatsu's smile was truly something to witness. 

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