Roar of Rage

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As Weiss's helping the other students on getting into an airship, she heard someone landed behind her and she turned, only to found that Slark has defused and they're now carrying their own girlfriend as Yang has her right arm cut off by Adam while Blake is fatally wounded by Adam's stab. Both Dark SSJ4 and Sleek runs over onto the airship and puts their girlfriends down while tries on aiding them. Then, both Daniel and Dark as well as Ruby has also arrived at the scene, with Ruby running over to Weiss to see what's happening.

Ruby: Weiss! Wait, where's Blake and Yang?

Weiss looks hesitant for a moment before stepping aside and let the three see what happened to Blake and Yang. Ruby was on a verge of tears when she sees her sister's arm has been cut off. Dark was shocked by this and holds onto Weiss, which she holds him back in return while for Daniel, the rage and sorrow inside of him are now boiling, but it still didn't enough to fully fueled it. Then, Sun comes in which breaks Daniel's thoughts again.

Sun:Hey, they're gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora:But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing! (groans in pain)


Sun:Look guys, that giant Grimm keeps circling the school. Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go... now!

Ren: We're not leaving- (groans in pain too)

They all looked confused, with Jaune & Pyrrha still out there, no one seems to know what to do, not even Team DANY could think of what to do.

Ruby: I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back.

Daniel: (worried) You sure?

Weiss: No! We will find them. (She turns to Nora and Ren) Watch after Blake and Yang. (to Dark as she kisses him on his cheek) We'll be back.

Dark smiles a bit as the two girls runs back toward Beacon Academy, with both Daniel and Sun watches them.

Beacon Academy~

Ruby and Weiss are on their way back to Beacon campus, when Weiss' Scroll begins ringing.

Weiss:It's Jaune! (answers it) Where are you?

Jaune:Weiss! Please you have to stop her!

Jaune:Pyrrha! She's going after that woman,... on the top of the tower! She dosen't stand a chance!

Weiss: Who is SHE? Jaune, where are you?

Jaune:(broken tone) Don't worry about me! Please.. you have to save Pyrrha.

With one last flare of emotion, Jaune screams and throws his Scroll onto the ground, breaking it. He collapses onto his hands and knees, crying.

Weiss: Jaune? Jaune!

The ground shakes, alerting Ruby and Weiss to the danger that approaches them. The Wyvern flies into view, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby draws Crescent Rose, shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm spawning from the ooze.

Ruby: I have a plan.

Weiss: (Draws Myrtenaster) You always do.

Back with Team DANY, Daniel watches the Academy, where a giant Dragon Grimm's now staying on top of the Beacon's tower. Dark notices this and walks over to him.

Dark: This is your time, Daniel.

Daniel looks to Dark and smiles as the two of them burst their aura and fly towards Beacon Academy.

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