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A/N:Need to skip most of the "Beginning of The End" chapter because most of it just a flashbacks. I will feature some of it so don't worry.

Oobleck: (cutting through the flashback) Yang Xiao Long wins!

The cheering of the crowd brings the scene back to where the story left off, in the Amity Colosseum, with Mercury's picture on the board crossed out with Yang's beside it. The final events of the previous episode play out in flashes of scenes.

Ruby: (from off in the crowds) Yeah, you did it, sis!

D. Sleek: (from off in the crowds) Booyah!

Mercury: (as Yang prepares to leave) There's not going to be a next time, Blondie!

He aims a sudden kick, and Yang punches him down with a shotgun shot from her Ember Celica. The applauding crowds turn to booing, and Yang is suddenly surrounded by Atlesian Knight-200 and Atlas Soldiers.

Atlas Soldier: Yang Xiao Long, stand down!

Dark SSJ4: (pulls out his arms, protecting Yang) Don't you dare come near her!

Mercury: My leg, MY LEG!!!!!

Cutting back fully to the present, Mercury is still cradling his injured limb, Emerald kneeling beside him and Yang as well as Dark SSJ4 in the center of a ring of security, all with rifles aimed at them.

Emerald: (distressed, calling out) Please, somebody help him!
Paramedics come over with a stretcher, lowering it to Mercury.

Emerald: Can you do something!?

There is a rip in the leg of Mercury's pants, and skin and blood are visible through the rip.

Paramedic: (exchanges a glance with his coworker) We need to get this boy to a hospital. Grab a blanket.

They get Mercury on the stretcher and rush him off, Emerald following right behind. Yang looks on with a horrified expression, her lilac eyes now almost colorless.

Yang: (to the guards) You don't understand! (points at him) He attacked me, I swear!

Atlas Security Guard: (lifting their guns higher in response) Stow it! You've already caused enough of a scene!

Daniel: What are we supposed to do?!

D. Sleek: (shocked) Yang...

Meanwhile, Emerald runs alongside the two paramedics as they come across an open door with a woman in the same outfit inside.

Woman: (gesturing them to stop) Here! We've got an ambulance ready to go!

Later, the back door closes on the emergency airship they loaded Mercury in.

Paramedic: (sighing, then talking with the "other paramedic") Hope they'll be okay. That girl won't leave his side.

Cinder: (nodding under the white cap with a red cross she's wearing) We'll take good care of both of them.

The transport flies away from the Colloseum, and Mercury is lying on a cargo box in the back, still moaning and crying beside Emerald sitting next to him.

Mercury: Oh doc, tell me, will I ever walk again?

He receives a punch in the arm from Emerald, looking at her as he rubs the sore spot he actually got hurt from.

Mercury: Ow! What's your deal!?

Emerald: (groaning suddenly as she puts a hand up to her forehead) Ugh, headache. One mind I can handle, but two is a stretch.

D-RWBY: Volume. 3Where stories live. Discover now