Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV~

"Oh- Okay then." I said awkwardly. I wasn't sure how to respond to his answer. I figured he'd at agree to atleast pretending to be civil with each other. How was I supposed to live with him now? We were going to have to travel all around America fighting?

We both resumed walking, but he sighed and stopped me just before we made it to the doors to the dorm building. "I don't like you." He stated. I just sent him a look. Did he think I didn't know that? "I don't like you, but," I perked up, "I'm willing to tolerate you for the extent of this mission." He said, finally giving in.

A big grin spread across my face at his words. I was genuinly thrilled that he was willing to try. "Thank you, that's all I'm asking for. This mission would be a lot more complicated if we were at each other's throats all the time." I said, opening the door and holding it for the Demon Halve. He walked through without thanking me or even waiting for me. I guess we were taking baby steps.

I sighed as I made my way through the dorm building alone. I was deep in my thoughts about the mission and what I'd have to pack, when a familiar voice pulled me out of my own head. "Deku! Wait up!"I looked behind me to see my best friend, Uraraka, running after me, her halo bouncing with each stride.

"Where were you earlier?" She asked, refering to the time I wasn't in class due to the surprise meeting with All Might and Todoroki.

I nervously scratched the back of my neck and avoided eye contant. I wasn't super thrilled to tell my whole class that I was being sent on a mission four years early because I'm the top Angel Halve in our year. "It's a long story."

"I've got time."

We ended up going back to my dorm so I coudl explain and pack at the same time. Uraraka was silent and listened attentively the whole time I was talking. When I finished, I was expecting her to be upset she wasn't going, but instead she jumped up and gave me a hug. "That's so amazing Deku! I'm so happy for you! Don't forget to text often, it won't be the same without you around here." She said, her tone diming at the thought of not having me around, but she immediatly perked back up and started acting more questions.

"How will this affect your track for graduation? Will you be held back? Boasted up? Or will this act as just any other semester and you'll still graduate with us? Oh I hope you'll still graduate with us!" I love Uraraka, I really do, but sometimes I have to wonder about the girl. I'm going away to another country to potentially fight rouge Halves with a Demon Halve that hates my guts, and she's worried about graduation.

I rolled my eyes at her silly question, "I'll still be graduating with you guys. This counts towards on the job training or something like that. I don't know the specifics." I said with a shrug as I threw another tshirt into my backpack. We have to pack light, so I'm just grabbing a few articles of clothing, my phone and charger, and then my toothbrush. I was thinking that that would be everything I'd need, and if I forgot something I could always just buy it later.

"Oh thank God!" She exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air.

"God had nothing to do with it. If anything, he'd be the reason I wouldn't graduate with you." I said. Obviously Angels and Demons believe in God. I mean, our parents are like bros with him. He exists, he's just kind of an ass to Halves. We have to do all of his dirty work for him. Our parents don't even do anything on this plane. The Angels work up in Heaven doing inventory or something boring like that and the Demons, well you can probably guess their job down in Hell.

Uraraka was annoyed with my blatant disrespect of the big man upstairs. I've never been a big God fan. I mean have you read the bible? It's got the worst plot ever. "One day, you're going to really piss him off, you know that right?" She asked me.

I shrugged in response. "He'd never notice some Halve like me. I'm not really worried." Besides, even if he did notice, I'm half Angel. I can't die, and I can't go to Hell. There's not a whole lot I needed to be worried about. Correction, Angel and Demon Halves can die, we all eventually die, but it's different than when humans die. We just end up living in Heaven like it was Earth. The weirdest part is that even the Demon halves go to Heaven, as long as they don't chose to fully commit to their demon side. It's hard to explain. Let's just say there's a cubical in Heaven waiting for me to kick the bucket so I can start filling out paper work.

"Okay, whatever you say. Need any help?" She asked, changing the subject. I shook my head, saying that I didn't really need much else. We decided to head back down to the commons, I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone before I had to leave tomorrow morning.

"Midoriya! Bro is it true?" Kirishima shouted as him, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina all came running over to Uraraka and I.

"Is what true?" I asked, confusion lacing my voice.

"We heard from Todoroki that you guys are going on a mission to America!" Kaminari explained.

I looked over at the duel haired boy, who was sitting on the couch, and saw that he was already looking at me. He shot me a wink before turning his attention back to his phone while I went beat red. I stared at him in silent shock, only snapping out of it when Uraraka snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Wh- huh?" I asked.

"You totally zoned out dude. You good?" Kirishima asked me with a hint of worry in his voice. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, looking back at Todoroki and saw him smirking and trying to hide his laugh.

What a jerk.

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