•••••TEARS OF ZUBAIDA••••• •••Chapter Twelve•••

Start from the beginning

"What did you do to my aunty?" Yahya pouted.

"Nothing, she's just having a mood swing. Here take it to her..." Aleeyu passed a brown envelope to Yahya. "And this is for you." He passed a new five hundred naira note to him.

"No, my mommy will beat me if I collect money from strangers." Yahya defended.

"Don't worry, she won't beat and by the way, who said I'm a stranger? Have you forgotten I told you to call me Alee." Aleeyu smiled at the child innocence.

Baraka walked back to the living room and Aleeyu bid her bye.

"You didn't touch the food."

"I'm in a haste, maybe some other time if I come." He politely decline and left.

"What are you saying Zubaida? Are you out of your mind?" Mariya snapped angrily.

She knew Zubaida getting pregnant was a fate that was meant to happen but what Zubaida is saying now is just never ever going to happen, not with her concern.

"Mariya, you're my only hope, I don't want baba to know of this, please." Zubaida pouted.

"No! Zubaida No! You won't be judged for what happened to you, but you will be judged for what you're thinking of doing. What will you tell your creator on the hereafter?"

"Mariya, I can't live with this..." She pointed at her stomach which will gradually begin to swell as the zygote starts growing.

"I need to remove it out of me, please reason with me, if you were in my condition what will you do?" Zubaida had begk qdin to sob as she looked at Mariya pleadingly.

"I will never support this decision of yours, its better your father knows than for you to try anything near abortion."

"You were my only hope, yet you turned me down. I would be ungrateful if I say I didn't appreciate the listening ears you gave me. Thank you very much." Zubaida stood to leave.

"Zubaida, I'm ready to stand by you and support you if I can, but abortion is a no! And even if you abort this pregnancy, it won't bring back what you've lost. You're in trauma, calm down and reason again.

It was already Maghreb when she reached home and her father is back from his shop and is getting ready to go to the mosque. She his behind the mango tree and watched till he had left before she entered home.

"Daga ina kike?" Zainaba asked the moment Zubaida entered the house.

"I went to Mariya's place."


Zubaida had never heard her mother called her by her real name, but today she did. By the looks of things, she had indeed pushed her to the wall.

"You know the main reason behind your present condition was you sneaked out of the house without the knowledge of me or your father, and I had to cover up for you because of the condition Sule brought you back to this house."

"What!" She exclaimed.

"And now, you still don't want to change the habit of yours right?"

"How did Sule brought me back home?" She asked.

"You were..."

"Sule is indeed a traitor, he's the reason for my condition and still has the zeal to bring me back to my father's house after what he did..."

"What did Sule did?" Malam Musa asked as he walked into the house.

Its now or never Zainaba thought.

"Malam, Zubaida na dauke da juna biyu!"


Inna Hanne ... Mother Hanne. Hanne is the shirt form for the name Hannatu.

Zubaida, yau kece a gidan namu? ... Zubaida is it you in our house today?

Gashi kawar taki yanzunan ta fita ... And your friend just left now.

Inna ... Mother

Ba komai ... There's nothing/its nothing.

Alhamdulillah ... All thanks be to Allah.

Baba ... Father

Daga ina kike? ... From where are you?

Malam, Zubaida na dauke da juna biyu ... Malam, Zubaida is pregnant.

Thank you🙏.

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