Jens shook his head and pushed Friedrich away, holding his head in his hands. "I do. I do. It's why we all die, all of us here. We all hate each other. None of us are friends, and we don't help each other. We'd all leave each other to die- hell, if it came to it, we'd probably all kill each other if it meant saving our own skin."

"Shush, Jens, don't worry about this. You're safe with me," Friedrich said, walking back to him and gripping his hand, his smile not able to hide the anger and ice in his eyes as he pulled him down to sit on the bed. "Don't move. Stay right there."

He got up and lifted up the edge of the mattress which was where Jens knew he hid all his special items. He pulled out a lighter and a half full case of cigarettes and then put the mattress back down again.

"Food?" Jens asked quietly. "I'm starving, my love. Please," he added in a whisper as Friedrich sat opposite him and put a finger to his lips.

"No. Not yet." Friedrich flipped open the cigarette case and put it between his lips, ignoring Jens' pleading look. "Sit up straighter, cross your legs like this."

Jens copied him and straightened his posture, hands folded in his lap.

"Now what?" He whispered, tilting his head as he watched Friedrich light the cigarette.

"Shut up." He said bluntly.

Jens bit his lip and sat in silence, staying completely still as Friedrich smoked, the strong smell filling the whole room. Occasionally, he'd pass it over to him but wouldn't actually let him hold it, treating him like you would a dog when you fed it off your plate.

When he was fed up of that game he took the cigarette from his mouth and smirked at Jens.
"Give me your arm."


"Your arm," Friedrich ordered. When Jens didn't move immediately he sighed and shook his head like Jens was a toddler he was disappointed in and grabbed his arm forcefully, pinning it to rest over both of their knees, his fingers digging into the crook of Jens' arm. He took the still lit cigarette and pressed it into the soft skin of the underside of Jens' forearm.

He realised what was happening a second too late, and then pain coursed through his arm and everything was just burning. This intense, intense heat that took up all of his thoughts as he screamed and writhed, trying to pull his arm away from Friedrich. But he couldn't, and then harder he struggled, the harder Friedrich pushed into his arm. He fell forward so he was leaning against Friedrich, face buried in his neck as he sobbed, begging for him to stop.

"It hurts, it hurts, Friedrich, stop it," he choked out, words catching in his throat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just please stop burning me! You're hurting me!"

Friedrich removed the cigarette and held his hand to the back of Jens' head, running his fingers through his hair and holding him close.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, darling," he whispered, brushing his hand across the circular burn on Jens' arm, watching him flinch as he touched him. "It won't happen again. Please forgive me."

"I-w-why?" Jens whimpered, trying to pull away so he could look at Friedrich's face and try and figure him out, but he kept pressing him closer into his neck so he couldn't do anything but lean into him, forehead fitted into the dip of Friedrich's collarbone. "Why?" He whispered against his skin. "Why would you do that."

"Forgive me," Friedrich said simply in response, breath tickling Jens' skin as he pressed tiny kisses to his shoulder and along and up to the side of his neck. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you."

Jens closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath, a tiny smile on his lips. It would all be okay. Friedrich still loved him, he'd just got caught up in the moment. He wouldn't hurt him on purpose. He loved him. That's all that mattered.

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