1 - "Ouch! And here I thought you loved me!

Start from the beginning

Soon the lunch hour was finished and we started walking towards our class. Sam walked closer to me and nudged me with his shoulder. I looked at him and he just gave me a curious and concerned glance to which I smiled at him and waved it off. We entered the class and took our respective seats at the back.

I settled into my seat behind Casey and started speaking to her about the new song which came out. We spoke until Mr. Wichenstin entered the class with his huge ass chemistry text book.

"Morning class." He said hunching over the table, settling his huge glasses over the bridge of his nose. Even before he could start teaching anything the chairman and the principal entered the class with a brown colored and a very short girl. She must be the new girl Jordan was speaking about. I did not expect her to be in our class and she looks way younger than most of us.

"Okay class, this is the new student you have here." The principal introduced her with distaste which both the girl and the chairman ignored.

"Yes class, hope you all have good time here with her and also it would be wonderful if someone could help her with the classes she missed. I would be pleased if you guys don't gang up on her." The chairman joked but the girl still remained serious throughout the introduction. Chairman gave her a look over and sighed discreetly. She was about to walk to the only empty seat which was behind Sam and the bench beside mine, but stopped when she heard the chairman ask her to introduce herself.

"Do I really have to do that?" She asked with a raised brow to which the chairman nodded sternly. She sighed deeply before speaking.

"Name is Shaden Obeid. I am not a very pleasant person at the moment, so don't bother to make friends with me. I am not in a mood for making acquaintance. So I just suggest you to ignore me as long as possible." She said with a straight face and turned towards a fuming principal, a guilty looking chairman and a very uncomfortable Mr. Wichenstin with a forced smile. Mr. Parker, our chairman gave her a small smile before turning around and walking out of the class with Mr. Charles, the principal on his heels.

"Umm...I am Paul Wichenstin and I teach chemistry." He said smiling uncomfortably at her to which she sighed deeply and muttered something close to 'crap' to herself. She looked back at the poor teacher and apologized before walking towards the back to take the seat beside me.

The girl was indeed smoking hot, as Jordan put it. But at the same time, she looked very cold and distant. Everything from her dressing to the way she walked screamed 'I don't give two fucks about what you think.' But something about her is off and the emptiness in her eyes can be seen from miles. And something about her 'out of ordinary' introduction told me that she was actually genuine in what she was speaking. I have a feeling that there is more to it than what is seen. Yeah I'm sure there is more to it.

As soon as she reached the place, she placed her bag down and took out her notebook to write notes. I did not realize I was starring at her until she looked at me and raised her eyebrows in question. I smiled at her widely, happy to catch her attention. "Hi I'm Louis." I said giving her my charming smile which I know allured many girls. She looked confused and then hesitated for a moment before giving me a small smile. I looked back to the front to try and listen to the class and failed miserably.

Everything about her is interesting. The way she bites at her pencil when she is concentrating, the way her eyes follow every move our teacher is taking while teaching, the way she smiled at me politely though she wanted to show her middle finger to the world and ask them to fuck off, the way she doesn't flinch or feel uncomfortable under many scrutinizing gazes and not so discreet whispers, most of all her voice, It is strong and has firm, radiating authority. To top it all, she has a very weird sense of fashion. She wore dark red leggings and paired it with a long black top which fell a hand span below her knees with slits on both the sides and the top had long red sleeves almost reaching her wrists.

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