2. Magnolia, Where Have You Been?

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Michael walked inside a coffee shop with his hands stuffed deep into the bottom of his trench coat. His
poor fingers were blistering cold, the tips were red.
So many layers was underneath Michael's coat, like  a grey sweatshirt of the University he attended so, so long ago as well as a another long sleeve, yet he was still so cold. He was absolutely freezing.

A black wool scarf covered Michael's chattering
teeth and red nose that seemed to leak a bit from
the sniffling and sneezing. A cold was inevitable in
type of weather even with a thousand layers on.

A sigh was emitted from between Michael's lips as his eyes scoped out the entirety of the little coffee shop. It was around two hand fulls of people, that
included the staff. Michael had never been at this
coffee shop but he had always drove by it.

Today, Michael decided to stop buy and try it out. Plus it was already cold so a nice cup of hot coffee
sounded good to him. Michael walked up towards
the front where a small line of people were waiting
to get their orders in.

As he waited, his eyes shifted towards the menu
of drinks that were provided. Originally, Michael came with the idea of just a basic black coffee but some of things that were on the menu made he reconsider his bland taste.

Peppermint tea, Caramel latte, Coconut
cream hot chocolate. Michael read in his mind.

He was stuck between the peppermint tea and coconut cream. The both of them sounded good
but he only wanted to try one. He was leaning
more towards the coconut cream.

"Next in line!" One of the cashiers chirpily said.

Michael was the next in line so he walked up to the cash register to place his order in. "Can I get a coco
nut cream hot chocolate." He said, softly.

The cashier couldn't really hear Michael because of his soft voice as well as the wool scarf that covered
his mouth and muffled his words. "I'm sorry, could
you repeat that." The lady said.

Michael brought his scarf down towards his neck and spoke again, this time a bit louder. "May I have
the coconut cream hot chocolate." As soon as Mike
pulled his scarf down and revealed his face, the lady
who was taking his order because a bit flustered.

Her cheeks became a slight tint of red.

He was so attractive, sheesh.

"C—Coming right up." She said as she placed the order in. "Your total will be umm, will be ummm
2.65." Michael took out a five dollar bill, handed
it to her and told her to keep the change.

Magnolia |MJ SSWhere stories live. Discover now