7. You Cant't Stop The Rain

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Saturday Afternoon


MAGNOLIA, laid against Michael's living room floor with her arms and legs stretched out as if she
was a starfish resting against the sandy beach and
enjoying the oceans shores. Michael was sitting on
his couch all proper like with one leg crossed over
the other. A bowl of caramel popcorn was sitting on
the crotch of his pants where he would occasionally
reach down and grab a hand full. His humored eyes
were focused onto the television ahead of him.

"This guy is hilarious!" Michael said in response
to Richard Pryor who was on his television screen making the dirtiest jokes known to man.

"This guy is hilarious"...Magnolia mocked.

Michael lowered his eyes down towards the floor where she laid, still sprawled out. He reached his
hand inside of the transparent glass bowl that was sitting on the crotch of his pants and grabbed a few pieces of the sticky caramel popcorn, flicking it onto
her. "Why are you so childish." Michael joked.

"Says the man whose throwing food. Throw
some in my mouth while you're at it." She parted
her lips and opened her mouth wide enough to where Mike could toss the popcorn inside.

Hopefully, she would catch it.

"I got something else I can put in your mouth besides popcorn." Michael sexually suggested
with his raunchy joke before throwing the pop—
corn in a particular angle that would undoubtedly
end up in her mouth. "And he scores!" He yelled.

Magnolia chomped her teeth down into
the tasty caramel crunchiness as she leaned
up on her elbows. Smiling, she rolled her eyes.
"I see all this Richard Pryor is getting to your
head huh?" Michael shrugged. "Guess so."

He added a sly smile at the end.

Shaking her head, Magnolia stood up from
the floor and made her way over to the couch
where her lover watched with adoring eyes. She removed the popcorn from his lap, placing it onto the carpet before sitting in his lap. She began to move her hips around a bit as if she was trying to make herself a bit more comfortable.

"Mmm my favorite seat." She cooed into his ear.

Michael felt his manhood get excited but he controlled his urges. He had something else
on his mind besides sex.

With ease, he snaked his arms around Magnolias
waste and slightly squeezed her. "Michael, don't
squeeze me...I'm on my period." She pouted.

He squeezed her again. "My little ketchup packet."

Magnolia began to laugh before playfully slapping the side of his arm. She leaned herback against his chest and began to watch the comedy special with Michael. As Magnolia relaxed in her lovers armss with ease, Michael was inwardly thinking how he
would ask a very last minute question of meeting
his family tomorrow. He was a bit nervous.

"Magnolia..." He said softly.

She hmmmed in response.

"Are you gonna be busy tomorrow?"

"Whose busy on a Sunday?" She asked with a
slight chuckle.

Magnolia |MJ SSWhere stories live. Discover now