8. Rose, Magnolia, Jasmine

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Play song above further along in chapter. There will be a message indicating when.

Sunday Morning


"Maybe each human being lives in a unique world,
a private world different from those inhabited and experienced by all other humans . If reality differs from person to person, can we speak of reality singular, or shouldn't we really be talking about plural realities? And if there are plural realities,
are some more true (more real) than others?"

—Philip K. Dick

MICHAEL, buried himself underneath his thick duvet. He felt a sense of comfort being covered in darknes, hidden from the outside world. For hours he had been lost in his own head, drowning in his sorrowful thoughts of the woman he loved.

He hadn't been asleep since Magnolia walked out of his home. Michael was restless as a guilty conscience. His heart felt like porcelain that had been dropped repeatedly. Crack after crack, ache after ache. Pain seemed to find him once again.

It was around three in the afternoon. The dinner
with his family started in about two hours. Michael didn't feel like going anymore. He just wanted to lay under his weighted dark duvet until the end of time
or until Magnolia decided to reach out give him a call.

Whichever came first.

As his restless body sprawled in agony all Michael could think about was the first day Magnolia came into his store. He replayed that moment over. It wasn't helping that her scent still lingered in his bed sheets. Filling his nostrils until it surpassed his psyche. He grabbed two hand fulls of cover and inhaled what was left of her. What was left of what he currently had.

Unforgettable memories.


The lucente black telephone sitting on his nightstand chimmed. With hope of it being Magnolia he quickly grabbed the phone off the hook and placed it next to his left ear."Mag—" His Mother's chirpy voice ended the beginning of her name.

"Michael! Hey sweetheart, how are you ?" Katherine asked. Usually her voice made him smile but he just couldn't even try. "Hey mom I'm doing fine." Lies.

"Good, good! I'm just calling to see if you were
still coming. Everyone's excited to see you!"Michael didn't say anything for a few moments. He was trying to figure out how to tell Katherine he was no longer coming. The guilt packing inside was eating him up like a flesh eating bacteria. Michael hadn't seen his family in a very long time because of his depression.

He always told himself that when he was out of that dark bubble he would make up for loss time.

For once he felt like he was leaving that dark bubble, but now he was back where he started. He didn't want to be seen in that way. The way that left his family in turmoil before. "Michael?" Katherine called out.

Clearing his throat, he began to speak. "Mom I'm not comi—"

The sound of his brothers voice echoed in the background. "Ma! These chitterlings stank! Why
I have to be on chitterlings duty? Jackie should
be the one cooking em! He the only one that eats
this stuff!" Randy complained.

Magnolia |MJ SSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz