Asking For Trouble

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Ezra leans against Y/N's shoulder. Her hand close to his. Her low purrs providing Y/N some ease and relaxation for this otherwise uneventful trip.

The carriage finally arrives at the market district of the town, at which it halts. The driver promptly opens the door for Y/N and Ezra to step out.

"Thank you, kind sir. We will be back within the hour.".

A nod from the fine fellow signals his acknowledgement.

Y/N's no stranger to the market district.

It's not his first trip on getting someone new clothes or even his, for he refuses to let the servants acquire it for him when he can, seeing as they are often times at the mercy of Father's temper and behest.

Maid Ashely was one of his first... clients, if you will.

She was very clumsy and nervous when she first started years ago. Or probably just unlucky enough for rips and tears to become a common occurrence as she cope with her intense anxiety at the time.

But Servant Adams was the one that introduced him to the area. In his own words;

"The district is a bodacious affair. A giant, sprawling hub that spreads in every direction but centralized around a great plaza. The area itself is much more like an elaborate, but not-quite-round maze with nooks and crannies around every corner where the more precarious side of the district offers shady dealings or any manner of the obscure.

There are six main roads that pave paths to the center and alleys upon branches of alleys that run through the sections to the middle of each of said sections, where accomodations are mostly located and generally populated by the surrounding residents whose livelihoods depends on their wares...".

A mouthful explanation for the rest of the details, but informative. Nonetheless.


Adequately, Y/N guides Ezra through crowds of people, passing raucous merchants, grumpy guard patrols and other patrons alike.

People understandably give weird looks towards Y/N and Ezra; largely due to the fact of her wearing the maid outfit, and for not having a leash of any kind snugly attached to her collar.

This foments an air of unrest among the nearby patrons and some began to whisper their concerns and discretely project their scandalism. 

"They're talking about us, Master.".

"Let them talk. They'll answer to me if they even thought of trying anything.".

The pair passes by a group of dreary catgirl courtesans, neatly lined up, with all of them wearing insipid collars. Ezra casts a wary glare towards them, and hold onto Y/N's arm with a sudden tense grip.

A fleeting thought of going back to the brothel and getting chained up again rattles her to the core. 

"Don't worry, you're not going back. You're safe with me.".


A little stroll down their way finds themselves abruptly interrupted by a figure that had trailed after them from the previous mass of gossipers.

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