Gauche Adlai : Curse

Start from the beginning

"Y/n-Chan! You can sleep with us ! It'll be so awesome !" Smiled Luca

"Yeah sure! I'd rather sleep with the kids. Rebecca if you need help! I'll always be here too! I love children! Their so precious! "

Gauche was just looking at you.

*night time*

You were sound asleep next to Marco. When you heard him get up. You sat up you had Transformation Magic, as you were also a Curse Mage. You transformed yourself as a kid and followed Marco. You saw he was in a trance some how, and you followed. There was a bunch of kids.


You were in a cave with a bunch of kids. You were trying to protect all the kids. You noticed Marie ! She was out of that Trance.

"Marie ! It's me Y/n! I'll help you okay"

She nodded but soon that dude hit her. You were upset. You stood up

"Hey! I'll give you all my magic if you stop !" You yelled

The villain looked at you. Marie ran and hid. You gave her som mans so she calm all Gauche. Once she did she faced it towards you. How you were fighting two people at one.. as you were fighting some snowmen you felt a slash. You screamed in pain as you saw a mud Monster... what gauche saw in the mirror disturbed him deeply. He saw you bleeding and he was upset and wanted to kill those guys for hurting you. Soon Gauche, Asta, and sister came. They were fighting the snow magic Dude. As Sister and Asta protected the kid. But the main villain snatched you and placed you down, strapped you in and began to suck your magic. You screamed in pain,

"Y/n!" Yelled Asta

'Whoever would take Magic from this child would unleash a curse that will be chaotic.' Said a voice

Your whole figure turned black with Mana coming out. You screamed your eyes became black,

"What! What's wrong with this stupid machine ! It isn't sucking her magic !" Yelled the villain

You erupted into screams, but then it turned into sinister laughter. You broke free from the restraints. You started attacking the villain. He had monsters as you did as well, your main focus was killing. Gauche took marie out of harms way. He didn't even witness this.

"Big brother ! If you don't tell Y/n how you feel I won't love you anymore! She's everything ! She feels like a mommy to me! And Asta like a daddy! Big brother ! You have to save her ! " said Marie

His eyes widen at the thought, as he placed Marie with Marco, he asked where'd he get the Black Bulls cape. Marco said asta gave it to him so he won't be scared, screams erupted from the cave. Soon Gauche returned. He saw his Y/n being chaotic. She was destroying those guys but she was starting the children. As sister was using her magic to get the children out to safety they heard a voice. It all sounded to familiar. You started panting like a beast and once you heard a similar voice you grew angry again, it was the girl who kidnapped Asta

"Gawh! SALLY!" You yelled

She widen her eyes,

"My Beautiful test subjects are here !!! Great!" She smiled

Referring to Asta and You. You growled as you were going to attack her, you simply destroyed her worm, you were going after her, you started slashing her, you got her weak, you roared, you were ready to kill her when someone threw a rock at your head. You looked behind you to find Captain Yami.

"Hey kid? Your full of curses right? Someone kiss this girl. She needs to calm down."

"I can hit her with my sword!-"

Captain Yami smacked his head

"Hey dummy didn't you hear I said Curse? It isn't the same, trust me." Said Captain Yami

"But what-"

"Someone needs to kiss her, I guess idk the girl I took Y/n from said something like that. Either Guache, Finral, or you Asta, I don't care anyone do it."

"What about you Captain?"

He blushed

"Did I say me kid?" He said

"Ehhh right."

You were enraged and you chased To Captain Yami, you then were restrained, you growled.

"Damn the lady taking care of her sure put a one hell of a curse."

You were resisting, gauche really wanted to kiss you, but he was shy.

"I'd kiss her! I wouldn't mind kissing this gorgeous black bull!" Smiled Finral

As he was going in gauche stopped him

"Kiss her and you die! She's mine."

He then kissed you, everyone was shocked about how he cared about you, and not marie at the moment. Captain Yami Smirked. The curse started to dispel. You went back to normal as you were unconscious. Gauche held you.

"I guess we head back to the village." Said Gauche

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