Not All Those Who Bear Poison are Bad

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The memory of the most recent "therapy" session with crane still left Harley in a wreck. After dinner time she was brought to the gathering area of Arkham, the "living room" as the others would say. She sat down in a secluded corner, next to a potted plant trying to get herself in touch with whatever she can that's connected to nature, away from every other lunatic. She refused to interact, especially at this very moment. She wanted to reflect upon everything that's happened and keep her sanity in check. It's difficult to hold on to who you are when you're only surrounded by madness. It's not long that you'll only turn into one of them. She rolled up and caressed her finger on the potted plant's leaves gently, reminiscing fresh air and freedom. This is the closest she can get.

"Hey there, what happened to you? You must be new." said a sultry voice. Harley looked up to see a red-head oozing with sex-appeal. "Hi, I'm Pamela Isley. But everyone knows me as Poison Ivy. Call me Ivy!" The lady smiled. "Oh wait, don't tell me. Was it a guy?" She giggled and sat herself down next to Harley.

"I guess you could say that..." said Harley, drawing back into herself.

"I knew it! Men! They drive us nuts and then treat us as if we're the root of the problem! Oh honey, if a guy is what drove you into the looney bin, at least be proud of what you've become! Rub it into his face and show him how strong you are! ... But wait what do I know right? hehehe"

"It's... not like that though... It's a little bit more complex."

"Well then, you know you can always talk to me if you need to, woman to woman. Don't worry I can keep a secret." She smiled, pushing my hair away from my face. "You know what I'm gonna get a hair brush for you, hun... Are you really a blonde? Cause this shade suits you real good!"

Ivy started brushing her hair and they started to get the small talk going. She told Ivy about who she was before she got in here. Eventually, Harley just couldn't keep it within herself anymore and told her about how Crane uses her as his lab rat. "But Ivy, you musn't tell anyone! Who knows what he'll do if he knew... Please Ivy just between us... I don't know why but... I trust you..."

"Of course Harls..." Ivy nodded reassuringly. "That's a terrible thing to do! I hated him and now I hate him even more... Stupid doctor."

"Hey, just out of curiosity, why'd you approach me? Was it out of pity?" Harley laughed a little.

"Naw... I could feel you when you touched the plant. You got a good heart, hun. But you're hurting. The plant could feel it, so can I."

"Oh my gosh! Poison Ivy! I know you! Whoa... I never guessed we'd be friends!" They both burst into laughter. Ivy brought over some basic makeup for Harley to use, she was like an older sister she never had. It's actually surprising what they let you have in Arkham, thought Harley. She guessed that there isn't any harm in looking decent. In fact, they'd probably encourage you to do so if you looked a little more normal, right? She thought to herself.

"You know what, no wonder I've never seen you before Harl. You're cooped up somewhere away from where they usually keep the rest of us. This is crazy. You know us cool gals need to stick together."

And then, playtime was over. Everyone was sent back into their respective cells at 8:30pm. Harley's was the furthest. She was escorted by two tall, strong figured men, grabbing her by the arm. Eventually the sounds of people's voices began to fade and soon you could only hear footsteps. Harley was quiet, observing the two towers next to her. She noticed them checking her out and she was disgusted. "Ew. Gross. These men must've never been with a woman for a long time. Hungry bastards." she said in her mind, yet carried on walking. Then their feet stopped moving and they turned to face her. She looked at their faces, already painted with lust. They moved closer into her as they cornered her into a dark turn in the hallway with a dead end, only a closed door, to what seems to be a toilet behind her.

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