To Fear and To Be Feared

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You could never really tell what time it is when you're inside a cell at Arkham. But Harley always had a feeling that she's only visited by her so-called doctor when the sun comes down. The days are starting to turn into a routine, group rehabilitation sessions don't actually help her. She didn't enter the looney-bin as a crazy person to begin with. She doesn't want to associate herself with anyone unless she's forced to. A part of her tells her that if she begins to blend in with the rest, she'd actually be convinced that she had lost her mind for real considering the fact that her doctor's already doing experiments on her.

In her cell she wouldn't do much, just get lost in her own thought or maybe read a few books that they let her... just to keep her mind off the grief that's been gnawing at her heart and mind. That's the only reason she looks forward to these sessions, even if it tortures her. 

It seems that the sun has come down, because she hears the distinct footsteps of Dr. Crane. She didn't even need to look at him anymore, she knew his presence by feeling, and as well as the sounds he makes of the door as he enters. She is one to notice intricate details about a person, it comes quite naturally to her. Crane's being is becoming the only familiar thing to her by now in this strange place of a treatment-facility, that her mind began to accept all of his cold horror. It doesn't bother her too much anymore. How long has she been here? She's not really sure but it should be about a month's stay by now...

"Harley, you're facing the wall... Please turn around." Said Dr. Crane in his usual stoic tone.

"Kay." Says Harley as she turned around to face him. He noticed something about her. He could sense his superiority fading bit by bit, and it bothered him. It bothered him so much and he was ironically, quite afraid to lose his power over her. It's only been about a month and he isn't going to accept that. He refuses to lose his plaything just yet, especially a subject as interesting as Harley. On the other hand, Harley expected nothing but the usual serums and injections and drugs. To her it's more of a way out to forget James. Crane thought it was interesting but he didn't necessarily like that she's starting to not mind them. He feels he's losing his grip.

"Whaddya have for me today, Doctor?" asked Harley with an expression that showed she's accepted whatever is about to happen.

"Actually, let's do some real therapy on you."

"Wait, huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sit down on your bed." He pulled a chair closer to her as she followed his orders with curiosity. "You can lie down if it's more comfortable for you."

"Um... Okay..." She lied down.

"Now, tell me about James. What's he like?" the way he asked her was somewhat condescending. He didn't even have to try to come across that way. It was just part of who he was.

Harley immediately looked at him and sat back up. She had a hurt look in her face. Her eyes teared up. "Why?"

"Why? Well, you have to talk it out."



"No." Harley said firmly with a tear dropping down her cheeks. She tried to hold it in, but she was so angry that he had the audacity to ask her to talk about James. There was a pause in their conversation where she looked at his eyes, furrowing her brows, while he just looked at her with a blank face.

"Harley... I'm being serious. Do you want to be haunted forever? Do you want to keep having breakdowns? Let me help you. It's... the least that I can do... for you." He smiled a little to show his sincerity. Or, at least he tried to show it. She still just looked at him the same way. "Come on Harl... Lie back down... Please?" Crane touched her gently on her shoulder and her back, helping her lie down slowly on her cell bed.

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