Fear Toxin

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A week has passed and Harley had been nursed back to health. She had eventually tired herself out of crying herself to sleep over the loss of her loved one. It left a feeling of emptiness in her heart. Being institutionalized made things worse. She was always locked up and she could only see Crane and the guards. Sometimes nurses would check her health or bring her food and medicine. It was getting tiring. Her cheeks would often be dried up from the tears and her hands bruised from punching the wall.

Usually patients were only allowed more freedom after proving a certain degree of stability. Harley knew she couldn't live her life mourning, nor can she stay locked up forever or else she would turn insane for real. She knows she has an edge in this situation - she's not actually crazy. And so with that, she decided to pick up the pieces of what's left of herself. She has always had the spark of optimism in her and she believes she'll get out if she could prove herself normal. She started maintaining hygiene and taking care of her appearance so that she would look as she normally would. She looked good again. This doesn't mean she'll ever forget James. The memory of him would always resonate in her mind. She'll never forget Crane either, but it's time to get back on her feet.

A few days after, Crane came to her cell holding a tray with test tubes, syringes, and aerosol spray cans in them. He greeted her with a devious smile. "Hello, Ms. Quinzel. I see you've recovered well. You look good."

"You can call me Harley, Mr. Crane." she said politely.

"Yes, and you call me Dr. Crane from now on. We're not in class."

"I know."

"I see you've started talking again too." said Crane with a hint of a patronizing tone.

"You bet Mister- Um, Doctor." She figured she might as well go back to her usual personality. "Whatcha got in the tray Dr. Crane?"

"Your duality almost scares me. I know you're still in pain but it's like you have this other side of you, you know?" He said as he sorted out his things. "... and not many people surprise me."

"You could say that. It's why I'm different."

"Why, yes you are." Crane picked up a syringe and the liquid inside squirt out a bit as he slightly pressed it. "Which is why you're going to be my guinea pig."

"Wait, what?" Harley looked at him with her mouth agape.

"Don't worry you won't die. I've adjusted the toxin. What use are you to me if you were to die? You wouldn't be able to describe its effects, and it would just be redundant. A waste of my time and toxin. Besides, I'd have to waste time to come up with an alibi if you died."

Harley stood speechless and watched him prepare. She thought that nothing is worse than death at this point.

"Sit on the bed." Crane commanded. She moved to sit on the side of the bed. As he came over, she made space and scooted to the edge so that he'd have room to sit next to her too. He reached for the sleeve on her shirt and she backed herself in shock.

"Whoa there Doc! Wha-what are you doing?"

"Don't flatter yourself you little minx. The injection goes on your deltoid muscle and you're wearing a long sleeve. Was that clear enough?"

"Oh... Alright then..." Harley came closer to Crane. He brushed her hair aside and pulled her shirt down sideways, revealing her shoulder blades and her cleavage. She covered herself with her free arm.

"It's best if you relax yourself now. We don't want you to experience unnecessary pains, now would we?" Crane took the syringe and the needle pierced her skin. Harley could feel the foreign liquid entering her body.

"That... wasn't so bad..." said Harley. But she spoke too soon. A sudden jolt of cold sweat hit her and her heart rate pumped up. She was lying down on the doctor's lap before she knew it. It was like walls had collapsed in her lungs and in her mind too, but in reality it was all okay. Then, a coldness spread from the tips of her toes and slowly made its way to the crown of her head, slowly engulfing her.

"Harley, I want you to describe the sensations you feel."

All she let out was a whimper as her body quivered in fear.

"Be strong Harley. Be the good girl you know you are." he placed his hand on her cheek, slightly stroking the frozen-struck poor little thing.

"Lonely. It's c-cold... and lonely... I feel nothing... it's... maddening..." she said and went back to a black stare at the ceiling. "H-how... long...? S-stop... Doctor... So alone..."

"Interesting. On you it evokes feelings of loneliness." He stroked her cheek again. "Only a few more minutes. Now, now." This time he stroked her hair.

After it was over, she regained total control of herself, but she chose not to move at all. She lied down on Crane's lap and didn't speak. It intrigued her. In that moment there was nothing at all but the fear and loneliness itself. No memories, but just that and that only moment.

"The introduction is done. The real deal should begin in a while, though. I doubt you'll be able to speak to me during the experience." said Crane.

Harley felt a surge of strong emotions clapping like thunder in her mind. Wait, it was her mind that actually felt noisy as if roars and screams were battling in an argument inside of her senselessly. She herself began to scream and curl in a ball. This time Crane had to hold her down to stop her from possibly huritng herself. She started screaming and crying and the more she did, the more Crane's smile widened in satisfaction. He feeds on fear. For him, his experiments are his playtime. Harley kept screaming and crying and eventually the state reached a plateau. All that's left is her shallow breathing and a petrified look in her eyes staring right through Crane's glasses. The petrified look eventually turned to relief as it was slightly exciting to her at the same time. Crane noticed the change in emotions and looked puzzled for he's never seen that look on anyone's face after being given the fear toxin.

She finally snapped out of it and threw him off of her. "WHAT THE HELL! That was like PTSD o-or-or-or hysteria in a bottle!"

Crane took his pen and notepad and took that down. "I see... hysteria... in a bottle. Please do continue. Tell me what you feel."

"NO! You're crazy, Dr. Crane! You're the crazy one! Is that what James had gone through? Huh? Is that it? What's this for? Are you too bored or something? Go find a hobby! Wait, maybe James got it worse! I'm right aren't I?!"

"Actually you're correct. It did kill him truthfully speaking."

"How DARE you." Harley lunged to attack Crane only to find herself knocked back onto the bed.

"Don't be silly, child." His cold eyes were locked right into hers. Harley started to grow scared and it showed in her face. "This... is my hobby." Crane let go of her and packed up his things. Harley just stayed in her same position on the bed, eyeing his every move in anger. As Crane made his way to the door he looked back at her and said, "Oh, and what was that you felt at the end of it?" he smirked and left the room.

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