Immunity Part 2

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After about a week of having their fun on the loose, the two ladies decided to head to crime alley to raise hell on the streets just for laughs. Harley's new-found friendship and strength picked up her mood and life was good for a moment. What the girls were forgetting however, is that they're still being hunted down by Crane. 

Back at Arkham Asylum, Dr. Crane was in the lab creating more potent serums to be tested out. He needed his test subject. 

Crane was more than determined. This caused him to break his usual cool and punched the wall, just once, but he immediately collected himself as if others were watching him even if he were alone. He wasn't sure why but for the very first time, he let something get under his skin. He knew he needed to regain control. Even though he was alone, he was the type of man who would keep his composure and not waste time doing silly things when the time could be used for something more fruitful. So he decided to give GCPD another call. He put a hefty price on the two girls to speed things up.

When the two ladies arrived at crime alley they noticed that something isn't right. It was just too peaceful. It was when they walked under a street light, a cop stationed in a car just around saw the two of them and notified three of his colleagues that it was an odd to see unarmed young ladies roaming around the area this time of night. It was then he remembered that there's a search for two female Arkham Asylum escapees with a great deal of money as a reward. He connected the dots real quick and called for back-up, because it was said that one of them were Poison Ivy, and she was not to be taken lightly. 

More policemen quickly surrounded the two ladies. Harley and Ivy both knew they had no way out of this one. "Alright then, I guess it's time to put my new and improved gams to the test" Harley said leaving out a sigh. The cops wasted no time to take action and got their guns ready for a fight. The ground tremors as Ivy raised her hands and roots of came flailing out of the concrete. The cops shot at her, yet they failed. Harley put her untrained self to the test and dodged hits with ease, but for now her fight was more on the defence with a couple of lucky-shot punches thrown in the mix. The cops didn't know to go too hard on her since they were only told that she was a patient. To their surprise, this looney-bin resident had was extremely agile and light on her feet. Crane had yet to find out what he's in for. 

Ivy pulled out her arms to the trees and their vines quickly entangle around her hand. She controlled them like ropes and strangled some of the cops. "Ivy! Help!" called out Harley. Two men had managed to get a hold of her and Ivy let go of the cops to pull Harley to her side instead. They worked back-to-back like a good duo. 

Just as things were getting a little better, Batman arrived and yelled, "Gordon!! I'll take care of Ivy, you and the rest get the other one!" and with that, most of the cops gathered around Harley and eventually, she was cuffed. "Hey what's the big idea! Let me go I'm not crazy!!!" Harley said to Commissioner Gordon. "Sure, kid." He ignored her and pushed her into one of the cop cars that weren't damaged. Ivy lasted much longer on their little battlefield, but the bats got to her too. 

When Harley opened her eyes, she looked around to notice this wasn't her cell. It was a lab, and her limbs were strapped tight to a chair that looked like electrocution chairs in slasher horror films she'd seen as a teenager. She immediately felt sick to her stomach to even think of what awaits her. She breathed slowly to calm herself down and tried to recall everything that had happened. 

Oh crap. she thought to herself. She remembered fighting alongside Ivy, as well as being captured and had the honour of being sent back to Arkham by Batman himself, the caped crusader. She also remembered how she threw a big tantrum the moment she arrived at the facility saying she doesn't belong at Arkham and attacked a few nurses, then Batman shot her with a strongly concentrated tranquilliser. "Great. This wasn't how I planned to meet Batsy."

HarlequinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora