♡ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊 ♡

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THE COOL NOVEMBER HAD flown throughout the entire city, a chill breeze was flowing through the almost desolate street of the small town. And a well-known and popular cafe in the small town was quiet. The evening time usually didn't have much customers. The man's tall stature was leaning against the wall close to the employees bathroom, as he waited for someone.

She always came at this time.

It was almost five in the evening; she seemed to like coming when there was less people around in the usually crowded cafe. From what he found out about her was the fact she's very reserved and timid, and he could barely hear her when she ordered her regular: a floral infusion tea with a small slice of his mother's specialty carrot cake.

She was on the chubbier and shorter side, and always adorned the same pink-knitted jumper. But that's not what caught his eye about her.

She was a bunny.

Her hair was long and extremely curly, and was a very light silver, with milky skin and red-colored eyes, and ears that her lopped on the sides of her head.
She was an albino rabbit.

She always came in and sat in the back booth, -always by herself, he wondered if she ever felt lonely- and she always was typing away at her novel she seemed to be writing. His vibrant green pupils stared at her intensely. They dilate as he stared at her. As predator's do to their prey. His fluffy black tail swishing behind him aggressively. All everyone talked about was this small family of rabbits that lived in a previously abandoned cottage. Right outside of town and near the forest. Not only that but he was slightly nervous (though he'd never admit it), that the little rabbit might think he was rude and cruel because he wasn't very nice to people, and was very cold.

He couldn't help it.

The door to the kitchen behind him opened, and their stood the man's best friend, Aster, a wolf hybrid with short ginger hair with matching ears and a tail.
His overly bubbly friend looked over at his friend, who was currently just standing and glaring at the girl who was too fixated on her computer to notice the boy who was currently staring at her.
Aster slowly walked behind his friend placing his hand in his shoulder, the man looked over to see his younger friend and gave him a semi-dirty look (from distracting him from the girl), and simply said in a rather rude tone. "What?"

The boys tail was wagging as he let out a chuckle. "Damien you look like a damn creep just staring at her, ya know? Just talk to her already. You've been at this for weeks if you don't talk to her I will~" he said in a teasing voice his blue eyes gazing at his friends tail that was moving fast in agitation.

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