Chapter 1: The Blog

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Maxwell's fingers vigorously oscillated round his keyboard as he put the final pieces of his work in order. He deeply yawned as his body constantly reminded him of his terrifically growing fatigue. He rested his quaking arms on his lap and looked tiredly at his laptop screen.
Straining his eyes he started to read through his blog. He gently rubbed his eyes to repel sleep. Suddenly, a buzz from his computer shook him wide awake. It was a notification, a comment on an earlier blog. He hastened to open it. What he saw surprised him so much that he pinched his arm to make sure he wasn't asleep.

The previous week, Maxwell and his partner, Patrick had released one indiscreetly titled "models and media." Following advice from his sister, Petra, Maxwell mentioned a certain model called "Natie Nats." She was so new to the industry that he barely knew who she was and neither did Patrick.

What had baffled Maxwell was that the person who had made it was a famous socialite. Her name was Mia Pounds and she was claiming that his blog was trashing her cousin, Natie. She had commented that people need to calm down and stick to their business. Her comment had incited a lot of her followers and a few fellow celebs to read and comment on the blog. To Maxwell, this meant exposure, making his heart throb with untamed ecstasy.

Having taken all this in, Maxwell yielded to the unstoppable attraction of sleep. He rested his aching body on the bed and loftly drifted into wonderland.

He awoke seven hours later to hear the incessant chiming of his phone's alarm. He grabbed it. After rubbing the sleep from his eyes he switched it on and went straight away to check his social media. He got out of bed four minutes later. He showered and got dressed in about half an hour. He put his laptop into a brown satchel and put his phone in his trouser pocket. He stood. After looking at his mildly disorganised room he decided to leave.

His departure coincided with something he detested. At times it ticked him off so much that he wished he could send it off to a desert island somewhere and never see it again.

"Max, Max!" She said.

He sighed.
"Yes, Sharon," he replied lackadaisically.

"How are you doing? Heard you coming out of your room and I decided to say hi," she said.

"Ok , hi , bye," he said hurriedly turning his back on her.

"But I wanna talk,"

"About what, Sharon?"

"Not much, just uh, why are you dressed in black?" She pointed at him inquisitively.

He looked at his attire. Besides his white trainers, the rest of him was black.

"Well," he slung his satchel onto his shoulder,"I just felt like it."

"Ya but normally on Saturdays you put on either an orange or a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Yesterday you wore a stripped one with-"

"Sharon that's creepy. Please, stop," he hoped the conversation would end soon.

"I donno I just like you," she said moving closer.

Maxwell just slowly turned on his heel to leave when Sharon said.

"By the way, Max, do you remember my pink bag, the one I left in your room on Thursday?"

"You mean the one on my desk?"

"No that's Petra' s, mine has stars on it's handle but they are completely identical so try asking her if she took it by mistake,"

"Wait a minute you were checking my room?" He started,"why did you even?"

"I told you that I liked it," she shrugged,"anyway please get it for me, Max,"

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