Chapter 1

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"That'll be $28.93, ma'am." The clerk at the gas station announces in a droll tone as he offers me a bored stare. Why does it always have to be such an awkward amount? I dig around my wallet and pull out 27 dollars in cash before I dig around for the rest in change. Coins clatter together as I sift through the coins to pull out everything. The man behind me grumbles and heaves a frustrated sigh about not having the amount on hand. Yes because I knew exactly how much this was gonna cost me. Twenty dollars in gas and the rest for lunch.

"Do you want a receipt?" The cashier asks as he stares at me with a bland expression. Meanwhile the man behind me releases a deep and over exaggerated sigh. You aren't the only one that doesn't want to be here buddy. I've noticed my inner self has grown quite the set of claws.

"Please." The young man types a few buttons on the register before the printer starts to spit out the paper. Oh it feels like forever ago since I was in that position. I know exactly how it feels to be stuck behind the counter at a convenience store, working the late shift to try and make money for the debt that seemed to appear for breathing. "Thank you, have a good night." With that, I grab the receipt before I turn and slide past the man that decided to stand on my heels. Slightly creepy buddy.

I shiver as I step outside, the cool Montana air greets me with all too much anticipation. I want the warmth of my car once more. My older model, Toyota Highlander, has been a great ride on this journey so far, treating me well. The main plus being its gas mileage. I remove my keys from my hoodie pocket before I tuck my items inside, the lingering heat makes me grumble as I shut the door to pump gas.

I hate sitting for so long! My backside feels so numb it's driving me crazy. As a result I start wiggling my legs in hopes to drive some sort of feeling back into my lower extremities. The numb tingles that race through my muscles make me jump up and down, willing to do just about anything to soothe the discomfort. I'm sure I look pretty insane right about now. As if the world is laughing at me, a cute and I mean cute, man steps from his car a seductive grin on his features as he glances my way before the expression sobers and he turns away.

Just my luck... First time I actually take to notice a hot man and I look like horrible. I glance at my ripped skinny jeans, large hoodie and winter boots, a beanie covers my rat's nest of a bun. Not like the lack of makeup helps my case any I'm sure. Not that I can say much along the lines of keeping a good figure since I've been feasting on drive thru dinners and long periods of doing nothing.

Sitting in the car and doing absolutely nothing hasn't helped my womanly figure. Granted, I've always been 'big boned'. My thighs have become sausages in far too tight of casings. Isn't that just a tasty description? I know my stomach has become more of a muffin top, further showcasing my love handles. Maybe I should lay off fried food and burgers... But in my defense, who goes to Burger King and get's a salad? Well maybe I'm the weird person who only gets salads at fast food joints.

I'm pulled back to the real world by the pump as it clicks off. The hot guy strolls out of the store with too much swagger. He has to be a fuck boy... But a girl has needs and I'm all too needy. I release a wanton sigh as I screw on my gas cap and put the pump away to get on with my trip. I should probably wait to eat my dinner until I find a camping spot... But I'm starving. I uncap my water and start looking up cheap motels around the area.

My stomach starts to chew n my back bone, I happily grab my can of pringles in one of the best flavors ever, original. Yes, I'm basic, and I like it that way. I'm sure I crack into the can and peel off the paper barrier with too much excitement. The familiar scent that greets me makes my mouth water and I'm met with indulgent happiness as I place the delicious simplicity in my mouth with a satisfying crunch. I need to find a kitchen to cook in. Blindly I reach for my keys, struggling to find my car key while eating chips. I'm hungry and don't care about the mess I'm making.

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