Chapter 8

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...My head surfaces the water again, I look around, it's still late at night, the moon is hanging right above me in the sky. There is a soft breeze, the waves crash gently against my shoulders. The water is cool and it pulls against my hair, shirt and shorts. I duck underwater the waves softly pull my hair. I feel something swim past me. I re-surface the water again and look around me. I feel something touch my foot. I kick my foot gently and watch as a puff of sand blows around in the water.

"Who's there?" I whisper into the darkness.

There's no reply. I spin around and search the deep, dark ocean for any signs of another person. I see ripples form against the surface of the water. I step back towards the shore.

"Hello?" I say gently.

"I didn't want to do this to you Katharine," I hear a voice say.

But I've never heard that voice person. I run out of the water. Droplets of salty water drop from my body. I continue running up the sand and up the street. But I don't run towards home...

My eyes flutter open, what is with that nightmare? I think to myself. I swing my legs and watch as they dangle over the edge of the bed. I sigh and stand up. I look out the window and watch as waves crash onto the empty sand. I walk out of my bedroom and look at myself in the mirror.

"Why do I keep having this dream?" I say quietly.

"What dream?" I hear a voice say.

"Who's there?" I demand nervously.

I turn on my heals and look out the window.

"You know me, but you don't know who I am," They say mysteriously.

I stride towards the window and push the curtains out the way and look through the fly-screen net and try to find the person there. But no one is there.

"This... this isn't funny," I say nervously.

"I know it's not," the voice says again.

I try to look up but I can't see much because of the window frame. I eventually stumble backwards. And walk downstairs, am I hearing things? I think to myself. I walk nervously down the stairs.

"Morning," Mum says quietly, "are you ok?"

"Mum, I was just in the bathroom and someone was outside the window, and they were talking to me, and they were saying that I know them, but I don't know who they are and stuff," I say nervously.

"I'm sure you're just hearing things," Mum says as she continues searching the news of the computer.

"I'm not mum!" I say stubbornly.

"Ok, ok," Mum says as she continues to scroll through the news, "who do you think it was?"

"James," I mumble.

"You're going insane!" Mum says turning to me, "I'm sure that James would never, ever do that! You must be going insane!"

"I'm not mum! It would only make sense if it was him anyways!" I yell softly.

Mum rolls her eyes and turn back to the computer. I roll my eyes and stumble into the kitchen.

"No one ever believes me do they," I mumble to myself.

"Oh stop that stupid self-pity!" Mum says stubbornly.

"Oh I'm sorry that you take sides with your daughter's boyfriend and not your own daughter!" I yell.

Dad walks down the stairs with a confused look across his face.

"What's going on?" Dad mumbles with a sleepy tone.

"Mum won't believe me! She never does!" I yell

"Wow, wow, let's take it back to how this started," He says.

"I was in the bathroom and someone was outside the window, and I was talking to them and they were being all anonymous and I said that I thought it was James and mum absolutely freaked!" I yell quietly.

"Can't you just believe her for once and this wouldn't happen?" Dad jokingly asks mum.

"No, no, James is too nice of a person to continue doing these things!" Mum says.

"Ok, Katherine, mum believes you let's leave it at that ok?" Dad says.

I roll my eyes and continue making my breakfast. I pour milk into a bowl of cereal and grab a spoon from the draw. I grab the bowel and walk around to the other side of the kitchen island and grab my phone. I start eating my cereal and I open Instagram and scroll through my home page. I find a photo that catches my attention. It's a photo of James, and Emma. I almost choke on a spoonful of cereal. They're hugging and their noses are touching.

I start coughing and dad looks up at me,

"What's up with you now?" Dad asks jokingly.

"I just found a photo of James, and Emma, hugging and their noses are fucking touching!" I say.

"Language! Language!" Dad says jokingly, "oi mum! I have to believe her this time, I think James is getting a little flirty!"

"Oh my god teenage drama!" Mum says stubbornly rolling her eyes.

"Mum knock it off!" I yell.

Mum stands up and walks over to us and looks at the photo.

"Ok, ok I believe you!" Mum exclaims.

I roll my eyes, she finally believes me, I think to myself. I quickly finish my bowl of cereal and tell my parents that I'm going to go for a walk. I quickly get changed, put some shoes on and brush my hair. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out the door. I know exactly where I'm going, James's house. I walk briskly to his house and when I get there I see another car outside his house. I walk up to the door and knock. James comes running down the stairs and opens the door.

"Katherine!" He says nervously, "what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk," I say stepping inside.

He shuts the door behind me and I turn to him and pull out my phone from my pocket.

"This photo, what is happening?" I ask turning my phone towards him.

"Um.." He says nervously.

"What aren't you telling me James?" I ask.

"Nothing! Emma just wanted a nice picture for her isnta!" James lies.

"Why is it your profile then James?" I ask frustrated.

"Look I'm sorry ok?" James says nervously.

He tries to wrap his arms around my waist but I move out his way.

"What's taking so long!?" I hear a voice call from upstairs.

I look James dead in the eye and then run upstairs to where I heard the voice come from. I open James's door and see Emma sitting on the edge of his bed.

"What the hell!" I screech.

"I... I can explain," Emma says nervously.

"No... you don't need to, I see how it is, you come back for the summer not to see me, but to see my boyfriend!" I yell.

"No!" She yells stubbornly.

"Oh, thanks!" I yell and I run back downstairs, past James and out the door.

I can't believe this! I can't believe this is happening...

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