Chapter 4

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...I open my eyes, the world isn't blurry anymore. I walk over to the window, James isn't there, thank god. I walk own into the bathroom and check the window. He isn't there either. I let out a sigh of relief. I finish in the bathroom and walk into the kitchen. I stop. James is standing in the kitchen helping mum make smoothie bowels. 

"Morning Katherine!" Mum calls.

"Morning, um, James, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Date day!" James calls with a smile. 

I nod my head slowly. I sit down in front of the kitchen island, and sigh. James smiles at me and continues placing berries and other smoothie ingredients into the blender. I sigh and check my phone.  I log onto Instagram and check James's profile. I see a photo of the back of James and realise that someone took a photo of James and I when he attacked me. He... he posted that? I feel a lump growing in my throat. James paces me a smoothie bowel and skids a spoon over to me. I put my hand over it to stop it sliding off the edge of the table. I look up and look over to him. He looks at me and smiles. I start eating my smoothie bowel. Eventually mum, dad and James join me. When I finish I stand up and put my bowel in the sink. 

"James, where are we going today?" I ask curiously.

"The beach," James says as he puts a spoonful of smoothie into his mouth.

I nod slightly.

"I'm going to go get ready, I'll be down and ready to go in about five minutes," I say.

I grab my phone and run up the stairs. I throw my phone onto my bed and rummage through my bathers draw. I find a pair of bathers and slide into them. It's a emerald green two piece with a bandeau top and high cut bottoms. I take my hair out of a ponytail and brush it out. I watch as my long black hair falls to my waist. I sit down in front of mirror and put on my water proof mascara, eyeliner, foundation, and lip gloss. I don't know why I'm dressing up for this, but I feel like it. I pull a short white skirt over my bathers and grab a bag with a water bottle, hat, phone and towel. I slide my sunglasses and nike slides on and walk back down the stairs. 

"Ok let's go," I say nervously.

James gets up and slides his hand into mine.

"Have fun you two!" Mum calls after us.

"Wanna grab the surf boards?" James asks.

I shake my head and we continue walking. We walk down the street in silence. When we get to the beach, I see a hammock hanging between two palm trees, a mat is sprawled across the sand underneath it. James leads me over to the hammock and mat and puts down his picnic bag. 

"You did this all for me?" I ask with a sense of shock in my voice.

"Of course, I wanted to make today special, to make up for what I did before," James says softly, "Katherine, I'm really sorry about what I did, I was really angry with myself and I took it all out on you."

"It's fine," I say quietly.

I drop my bag onto the mat and I fling my arms around James. He puts his arms around me. Without proper shoes on, I'm tiny compared to James, so I rest my head against his chest. I pull away from him and slide my skirt, slides and sunglasses off and put them on the mat. As I stand back up, James scoops me up into his arms and throws me into the water. I let out a squeal of laughter as my head pops back up out of the water. He runs in after me and we swim out the shoulder deep water. 

"I'm sorry Katherine," Josh says as he reaches out his arms and pulls me closer to him.

"It's ok," I say as I let my body melt into his arms. 

We stay like that for the next for minutes. 

"I'm sorry," James says.

He ducks under water and grabs my feet. At first I thought he was trying to muck around. My head hits the water and he comes back up. But he pulls me feet higher into the air. I hang like that, thinking that he'll bring me back up out of the water, but he doesn't, I start to run out of breathe. I start thrashing my arms on the top of the water to signal that I'm running out of breathe, but he doesn't pull me back out of the water. Instead, he continues to hold my head in the water. I start kicking my legs and eventually get in the position to kick him. I thrash my leg with all my power and he releases me. I start swimming out to sea. 

"Bitch!" He yells after me.

I continue swimming. I look behind me, I have to be at least fifty metres off sure now. I stop. I look below me through the crystal blue water, I watch as fish swim underneath me. I look up to see where James is. I see him up at the hammock, I see that he is rummaging through a bag, my bag! I swim quickly into shore and run up the sand. 

"Stop! That's my bag!" I yell.

People turn their heads to look at me. James looks up and continues looking through my bag. As he grabs out my phone, I run up to him and push him away from my bag. He drops my phone and before he reaches it, I grab it.

"What are you doing!" I yell.

James stands up and steps towards me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me into the hot sand. The warmth of the sand radiates through my cold body. 

"What the hell!" I scream as I stand up.

James steps closer towards me again. He senses fear in my eyes. 

"You scared?" James asks.

I shake my head trying to feel confident. He reaches out his arms and grabs me. He shoves me into one of the palm tree. 

"Stop!" I yell.

James then slaps me across the face and I gasp. A man walks up to us and pulls James away from me. 

"Excuse me young lady, is he bothering you?" He asks. 

I nod and feel tears run down my cheek.

"Do you have a problem?" He asks turning to James.

"Yeah we do actually,"...

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