Chapter 1

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I sit up rapidly and breathe heavily. My heart is beating out of my chest. I look over at my clock. 2:37am. I look around my room. I swear I heard something, someone. I'm not alone. 

"Hello?" I whisper into the darkness.

There's no reply. But I sense that someone is in my room. I pull the blankets over me and grab my phone. I text my mum,

Me: Mum, can you please come up to my room, I think someone has broken in...

Mum: Wait WHAT!? Coming up right now!

I hear mum rushing up the stairs and all of a sudden the lights turn on. My eyes flutter as they adjust to the light. 

"Who's in here!" She yells bravely. 

I pull away the blankets and I see someone dressed in full black stand up and run out of the house. Oh my god, I think to myself. I let out a little cry and mum comes running into my bedroom and turns the lights on. 

"Are you okay?" She asks sitting down next to me.

"Yeah," I whisper.

Eventually she walks out of my room and tells me to go back to sleep. But I can't. I grab my phone and open Instagram to see if anyone is active. I check my messages, my boyfriend, James is active, thank god. I let out a sigh and open my chat with James.

Me: You wouldn't believe what just happened! Xx

James: What? Xx

Me: Someone just broke into our house and hid in my bedroom, they're gone now, but I'm so fucking scared! Xx

James: Open your window, I'll be there as soon as possible. Xx

Me: Ok Xx

I sigh and relax a little. A few minutes later James climbs through my window and lies down next to me.

"It's okay," He whispers in my ear, "I'm here."

"Thanks," I whisper back.

He puts his arms around me and I let out a sigh of relief. I feel so safe when he's around me. I smile slightly and melt into his warm body. I fall asleep and in the morning James isn't there. I sit up rapidly and wrap myself in a dressing gown and run downstairs. When I am half way down the stairs I see James standing at the kitchen island with my mum making pancakes. 

"Morning!" James says with a smile.

"Morning!" I say back with a smile.

"Well last night was a bit of an even wasn't it!" Mum says nervously laughing, "thanks for coming to comfort Katherine James!" 

"That's okay, anytime!" James says with a smile.

I guess I should catch you up on James and I. We have been dating for almost three years now, and I love him to my core, and I have to say, I think my parents do as well. James comes over almost every day and we spend every minute possible together. Soon Dad enters the room,

"Good morning everyone! Oooh, those pancakes smell amazing!" He observes with a smile, "Oh, morning James!" 

"Good morning sir!" James says brightly from the kitchen.

"Please, James, call me Robert!" Dad replies cheerfully.

"Okay Robert," James says with a smile.

I giggle. James pushes a plate of pancakes and maple syrup over to me and I start eating. Soon Mum, Dad and James join me and we enjoy our meals in silence. When we are finished, I take all the plates, cutlery and glasses to the kitchen.

"Katherine and I are going to go for a walk, we'll be back in a little," James exclaims.

"I need to get dressed quickly," I say running up the stairs.

I fly into my room and get changed into shorts and one of my favourite vintage cropped singlets. I brush my hair and pull it up into a messy bun. I slide my feet into my favourite Vans, grab my phone and run back down the stairs. 

"Ok, bye!" I say as I place my hand in James's.

We walk down the street to the local Starbucks and walk inside. 

"My shout," James demands, "what would you like?"

"Can I just have a dragonfruit refresher?" I ask with a small smile.

"Of course, you can go find a seat outside or something if you want, I'll order them now," James says with a smile.

I walk outside and find a seat. I sit down and pull out my phone. James sits down and hands me my drink.

"Thank you!" I say with a massive smile on my face.

"You're welcome! You haven't updated your Instagram page recently, do you want me to take a photo for you?" James says happily.

"Of course!" I say and start laughing.

I hand James my phone and pose with my drink in my hand. He takes a few different photos then hands me back my phone. 

"James! These are amazing! I love having a boyfriend like you," I say as I put my hand on his.

"You're welcome, and I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you as my girlfriend!" James exclaims. 

I post one of the photos with the caption: Just at Starbucks with the bet boyfriend in the world, Love you so much James xx. 

People start commenting and liking the photo. James and I sit in silenced as I scroll through Instagram. I click onto James's profile and scroll through his photos. I see his most recent photo and click on it, something is suspicious about it. He's out on the street, late at night with all black on. I look up at him, he's looking around at the cars driving past.

"James," I say slowly.

"Yeah?" He says nervously.

"Can you please explain this photo?" I ask turning around my phone to show him.

"I... I... was going for a walk, why?" He says.

"At 2:30 at night?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah, and?" He says half annoyed.

"I think you're lying to me James," I exclaim. 

"I'm not!" He yells.

A look of stress crosses over my face. 

"I'm... I'm sorry Katherine, I have to go, I'll... I'll talk to you later," He says as he stand up and walks off. 

I pick up my drink and phone and stumble home. Thoughts start rushing through my mind like, what if James was the one who broke into our house last night, what if he is just using me? I start to worry and I feel a lump rise in my throat, what have I gotten myself into?...

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