Chapter 8

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I know this is a little out of order, but after seeing what Melissa Benoist posted on her instagram today, I knew I needed to skip ahead to the next Supergirl chapter, since honestly, that woman is so much stronger than anyone gave her credit for. Even without the S or the cape or the powers, she truly is Supergirl. Also, on a side note, the pairing for this story has officially been decided. Hope you guys like it.

The next morning, as she made breakfast for herself, Kara watched the news.

"And National City is still reeling from the debut of the mysterious woman who appears to have the same powers as the man of steel and several people have questions on who is she, where she came from and when will see her again." the reporter said.

"Very soon." Kara said with a smile as prepared to execute the next part of her plan to become Supergirl to the world again.

"Time to pay Cat Grant a visit." Kara said as she put her glasses, just to remove them to have her suit materialize on her.

Cat Grant was on her way out to her to her car when she heard someone call out her name.

She looked up from her phone, prepared to tell whoever it was to get out of her way, only to stop shocked for a second at the sight of the mystery woman hovering above her.

"Ms. Grant. Any chance you can make room for me today?" the woman asked.

"What are you doing here?" Cat asked.

"Well, I know a lot of people are going to want to hear my story, so I thought I'd bring it to the most trusted name in news in National City and I figured you wouldn't want anyone else to get the story." the woman said.

"Strong, good looking and smart. A fearsome combo. You're right. Luckily I'm always prepared." Cat said as she turned on her phone's recorder.

"So, before I go ahead and give you a name, any suggestions?" Cat asked.

"Supergirl. And I suggest you actually use it." Supergirl said.

"Supergirl. I like it. Which is good, because if I didn't like it I would've given you a different name." Cat said.

"I know." Supergirl said.

"Next question, I have my suspicions, but I need to confirm. What planet are you from?" Cat asked.

"The same as my cousin, Krypton." Supergirl said.

"So, Superman is your cousin." Cat said.

"Yes. My cousin and nothing more." Supergirl said, since her heart belonged to someone else and hopefully, she'd see him again soon.

"Which leads to my next question, are you dating anyone?" Cat asked.

"No, I am single, but not ready to mingle. Anything else?" Supergirl asked.

"Why wait until now to reveal yourself to the world?" Cat asked, since that was probably the question everyone wanted to know.

"I didn't think that the world needed me. It already had my cousin. It was only recently that I realized it needed me to." Supergirl said.

"That should be everything I need for my article." Cat said.

"Then I must be off." Supergirl said as she flew off.

"Excellent. I've got everything I need." Cat said as she moved towards her car.

Thanks to her flight and superspeed, Kara still managed to get Cat's usual coffee order and got to work before she did.

"Kiera." Cat said she entered the office and Kara just handed her the latte.

"I've already sent an order to publishing to crash the cover of the next issue." Kara said.

"Good. Nice to see you've begun to anticipate what I want. Anyways, our new hero was kind enough to grace me with a visit this morning. I have an article to write. Send out a do not disturb to all our employees." Cat said.

"Right away Ms. Grant." Kara said as she walked out of the office to warn the masses.

Kara was flying back towards her new base after work when her comms went active.

"Kara, do you read me?" Alex asked.

"I prefer Supergirl when I'm in this suit." Kara said.

"Really?" Alex asked.

"You called Alex?" Kara asked.

"We've detected something breaching atmo, headed straight for National City." Alex said, right as Kara looked to see the object heading for the city.

"I've got visual. I'm on it." Kara said as she flew towards the object. However, a quick scan of it with her x-ray vision doubled her need to get to it.

"I'm coming." She said to herself as she used her freeze breath to put out the flames on the object so she could confirm it was a kryptonian pod before grabbing it and gently guiding it to the ground.

"Alex, please tell me that the base is equipped with yellow sun lamps." Kara said.

"Yeah, why?" Alex asked.

"The object that entered Earth's atmosphere, it's a kryptonian pod." Kara said as she opened it and sure enough, she found him lying there. Still asleep.

"I'll meet you there." Alex said.

"Good." Kara said as she looked back down at the pod.

"I've missed you so much Mon-El." Kara said as she picked him up and flew him back to her base to heal. She just hoped that this time, things would go better than they had before.

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