Chapter 6

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When Kara and Alex arrived at the DEO, they found Hank waiting for them.

"Ms. Danvers, my name is Hank Henshaw." Hank said as he held out his hand to Kara, who shook it.

"I'm not working for you for the same reason my cousin won't. I'll work with this organization, but I won't be a part of it." Kara said and Hank nodded.

"I can understand that." Hank said, relieved she was willing to work with them.

"So long as you don't try to shoot me out of the sky." Kara said.

"Don't give us a reason to and we'll be fine." Hank said and Kara smiled.

"Agreed. So, is that all or do you still need me here." Kara asked.

"Well, actually." Hank began, right as another agent walked up to them.

"Sir, one of our satellites lost power, it's falling to earth as we speak." Vasquez said.

"Have you mapped it's trajectory?" Hank asked.

"It's headed for downtown National City." Vasquez said.

"What would the casualty count be?" Kara asked.

"At least a few hundred." Hank said.

"I'm on it." Kara said.

"Wait what?" Alex asked.

"I'll redirect the satellite and crash it in the bay where it won't hurt anyone." Kara said.

"You need proper training." Hank asked.

"What other choice is there." Kara asked and before anyone could stop her, she whipped off her glasses, changing into her suit, much to Alex's surprise and flew out of the building.

Kara flew towards the flaming satellite and saw the sight of it was already beginning to cause a panic in downtown National City.

"Time to become a hero." Kara said to herself as she got close enough to the satellite to use her freeze breath to put out the flames on it before getting underneath the satellite and catching it.

"Easy does it." Kara said as she moved to drop the satellite into the bay where it couldn't hurt anyone, unaware that several people were filming it on their phones, signalling the rebirth of Supergirl

"Well?" Hank asked.

"Sir, she did it. The satellite is intact and it's in the bay." Vasquez said.

"And is she okay?" Alex asked.

"Relax, Alex I'm fine." Kara said as she landed in the DEO.

"You're all wet." Alex said, since Kara was soaked from head to toe.

"Well sorry if dropping a damaged satellite into the bay isn't something you can stay dry for." Kara said, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you for stopping that satellite." Hank said.

"You're welcome but director Henshaw, when I checked the satellite over for damage with my x-ray vision, it looked like it was perfectly intact. There's no reason it should've fallen out of orbit." Kara said.

"You think it was sabotaged?" Hank asked.

"I don't know what caused it, but I do think it wasn't a natural malfunction." Kara said and Hank nodded.

"I'll have a team recover the satellite so we can investigate. Thank you." Hank said.

"I get the feeling this won't be the last time you thank me. So, anything else I can do for you before I go?" Kara asked.

"We would like to run some tests on you to make sure you know your limits." Hank said.

"Test away. As long as there aren't missiles involved." Kara said and Hank smiled.

"Relax. You've proven yourself an ally already, so there's no need for that." Hank said.

"Then let's get this over with. I need to do some image control to make sure I get a good superhero name." Kara said and Alex rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Let's begin." Hank said and Kara rolled her eyes, since she just wanted to go home.

After a long day of testing, Kara was finally able to return to her apartment. However, she was surprised when she found someone else waiting there for her.

"I don't know who you are or how you found out who I am, but." Kara said, lighting her eyes up, only to stand down the moment she saw who it was.

"Aunt Astra." Kara said tearfully at the sight of her aunt alive again.

"Hello little one. It's good to see you again." Astra said with a smile.

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