Chapter 3

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When Clark and Kara arrived outside the Fortress, Kara looked around.

"So, where exactly is this fortress of solitude?" Kara asked, since while she didn't get cold, she had no intention of letting her clothes get covered in snow either.

"Relax, I keep a key right here." Clark said as he lifted the key up from under the snow.

"You keep a key under the mat?" Kara asked skeptically.

"It's a 1,000 tons of condensed dwarf star. Only a select few can pick it up." Clark pointed out as he opened the door and they entered the fortress.

"Wow." Kara said as she looked around, since even though she'd been to the Fortress before, it was still something to take in.

"Yeah, you know I've invited you up here a few times." Clark said.

"Yeah, I thought it would remind me of home. And I was still angry at you for abandoning me." Kara admitted.

"Fair enough." Clark said as Kelex floated up to them.

"Greetings Master Kal. Greetings Lady Kara." Kelex said, recognizing them both as children of the house of El.

"Kelex, can you please access the message from Alura Zor-El." Clark said and Kelex nodded.

"What message?" Kara asked, though she already knew.

"I'm guessing our parents created the fortress for both of us to share, since in it's archives, I found a message from your mom to you. After seeing it, I knew I needed to wait for you to decide you were ready to walk the path." Clark said and Kara nodded, not at all mad at him for not telling her about the message, since she already knew it. At that moment, a projection of her mother appeared.

"Mom." Kara said tearfully, since she honestly did not know if Argo had survived in this reality or not.

"Kara, my brave daughter. By now you have become the woman I knew you would grow up to be. And though you were sent to Earth to protect young Kal-El, your destiny is not tied to his. There is no correct path in life. You will lose your way many times. What's important is that you find your way back to the brave girl you always were. Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." her mother's hologram said and Kara wiped away the tears that had formed from hearing that message again.

"She's right Kara. You are so much stronger than I am. You were old enough when we left Krypton to remember what it is you actually lost, but you don't let it weigh you down. Just because I don't need you to protect me doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who do. And who knows, maybe someday, you will save me." Clark said and Kara smiled.

"Thank you Clark. And you're right. I always thought that the world didn't need me to be a hero. That it already had a Superman, so it didn't need me to." Kara said.

"That's Jeremiah talking. The words of an overprotective father who doesn't want you to get hurt. But Kara, the world needs you." Clark said.

"And I'm ready to be there for it." Kara said.

"Not yet your not." Clark said as the hologram faded.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"If you're gonna be a hero, you need to look the part. That's the other reason I brought you here." Clark said as he led her deeper into the fortress.

"What, do you have a spare suit here I can use?" Kara asked and Clark chuckled.

"Not exactly." Clark said as he led her up to a machine that certainly hadn't been here in the old reality.

"What is this thing?" Kara asked, since it was unfamiliar to her.

"Clothing fabricator. You think this suit was waiting here when I got to the place. Nope. I made it using this thing. You can use it to create your own suit out of kryptonian smart cloth." Clark said and Kara smiled, since that meant that she could give her suit all the features her old one had.

"Step aside." Kara said as she activated the device and began working.

Clark watched as a mannequin rose up from the floor, this one designed to Kara's physiology and the fabricator began to produce a smaller, female version of his own suit, though this one was only red and blue, there was no yellow in the glyph.

"Okay and just one more touch." Kara said as her cape was completed and suddenly, the suit vanished.

"What just happened?" Clark asked, since it looked like Kara had just made her suit vanish.

"Relax Kal." Kara said as she used her x ray vision to spot the suit and picked it up.

"What did you do?" Clark asked.

"Well it occurred to me that since I'm a girl, I sometimes wear skirts or dresses, which would make it harder to wear my suit under my clothes like you do, so I came up with a more effective solution." Kara said as she placed the microscopic suit on her glasses the way Brainy had done before and hoped it worked.

"And that would be?" Clark asked.

"This." Kara said as she let her hair down and then removed her glasses, causing her suit to materialize on her.

"That's clever. Wish I'd thought of that." Clark said.

"Well, too bad. But anyways, now that I have the suit, am I ready?" Kara asked.

"Yep. You could use some combat training though." Clark said.

"I'm sure I'll find a teacher. Now I need to get back to National City." Kara said as she flew out of the fortress.

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