The Dance

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You: Well I'm listening, how can I cut ties with them permanently?

Lex: Team up with me, together we can overthrow Malachite. I become the leader of the organization and you can go live your life as you want.

You couldn't hold back your laughter, the plan itself wasn't what was funny but the fact that for a moment you actually hoped that he could have helped you. Lex's expression didn't change however.

You: And how do you plan on taking her down? Everyone in the organization is completely loyal to her.

Lex: (devious smile) Who said we need anyone of them, keep this in mind kid there are powers that run deeper than even the spiders.

You: Look Lex this has been fun and all but like I said I'll pass. (Walks away)

Lex: This is a one time offer kid, pass it up now and I can't promise you anything in the future.

You: I'll take my chances. Besides after all this time I've been swimming with piranhas, I don't need a shark.

Lex: Your making a mistake Y/n, I'm making you a good offer here.

You: Didn't ask, don't need it, go fuck yourself. (Leaves)

Lex: (Takes drink before talking out loud) Well I tried, you were here to see it.

Emerging from the empty side of the bar was Neo with a disappointed look on her face.

Lex: Ah well then, guess this is where I take my leave. By the way, tell Roman that atlesian Paladin he wrecked is coming out of his cut. Those things were a pain to get and weren't cheap either.

Neo waves a dismissive hand causing Lex to scowl at her before leaving the club.


The members of team TEA(Y/I) fully dressed in their dance affair made their way to ballroom as they were greeted by Yang who was dressed in a simple yet elegant white dress.

Yang: Oh you guys made it just in time. (Turns to Y/n) So what do you think? (Twirls around)

You: You look.... stunning, ... so much so that I might have to hurt any other guy that tries to dance with you.

Yang: (giggles) Glad to hear it, you look pretty good yourself.

Ruby then steps awkwardly from behind Yang wearing a short, red, sleeveless dress as Ty stood motionless beside you. Both You and Yang shared a quick grin as you pushed them closer together.

Yang: Now now don't be shy sis.

You: Don't be a wimp Ty.

Ruby& Ty: Hey!

The two of them shyly looked at one another before Ty holds out his hand offering her to dance. Ruby then takes his hand as he leads her to the dance floor.

You: (to Akio and Elli) So where are your dates?

Elli: (signs) Right over there.

You follow her gaze to see Sun's teammate Sage Ayana waving her over as she quickly moves to join him.

You: Well didn't see that coming and you?

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 2)Where stories live. Discover now