Burning the Candle

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Kicking the door to the ball room open Y/n, Ty and Yang all enter carrying very large boxes and speakers.

You: (setting down large box) Ok that should be the last of it.

Ty: (heavy breathing) Please let it be.

Yang: Thanks guys you've been a big help.

You: Don't mention it but what's in all these?

Yang: Oh you know, just the essentials.(turns to Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?

You: Hmm how's that going anyway?

Ty: Yeah is she still upset?

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. (exasperated) Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Weiss: (walks up to Yang, pointing in her face) If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

You: (eyeing boxes) Didn't you say, Coco wouldn't let you have fog machines?

Yang: Oh come on, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

You: Welp if she finds out, I wasn't involved.

Ty: Are you really afraid of Coco?

You: No what would give you that idea.


You remembered back to when you first met Coco, she had come to thank you for standing up for Velvet. She was pretty hot but wasn't your type, then you happen to catch her one day in the training room, curious about her fighting style you spied on her. From what you knew about the famous leader of team CFVY, was that she was all fashion all the time so needless to say you laughed to yourself when you saw her only holding a purse against five training bots.

You: (standing by door just out of view) She can't be serious about fighting with a purse.

Your jaw dropped when her purse then turned into a heavy looking mini gun and then mowed down the bots with ease, what was more surprising was she didn't even move an inch from the recoil.

You: (in awe) Well shit.

She then turns her gun back into a purse before turning to look right at you.

Coco: (lowers sunglasses) You know it's not polite to spy on a lady.

You: (smiles and raises hands) Sorry, curiosity.  got the better of me.

Coco: Well you know what they say about curious cats. (Walks towards you) anyway did you like the show?

You: Not bad, guess you live up to your hype.

Coco was now standing directly in front of you now, you couldn't read her face from behind her glasses but she smile at you and placed her finger under your chin.

Coco: Hype Huh? Funny you say that. (Serious tone) Anyway I usually would charge you for spying on me during my private time...But.

You: (gulps)... But?

Coco: (whispers in ear) We'll call this even for Velvet. See ya around L/n. (Leaves the room)

You: (chuckles) Scary woman.

{Flashback ends}

Your thoughts are then interrupted by the sound of doors opening and in comes Neptune and Sun.

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat