Chapter 11: Loving the same girl, again

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"Grandpa..." With a low voice, the little tofu asks his guardian.

The said old guy smiled at his only precious grandchild. "What is it, little one?"

"How long will it take before Sana-noona come back?" Mr. Kim frowned. He already knew why Sana's taking too long to come back in South Korea.


[On the phone]

"Mr. Kim. I'm sorry but, Sana-chan will have to stay here in Japan for a few more years."

"Are you serious!? What about her and Dahyun's friendship!?"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Kim. Please, just tell your grandchild a lie. I'm begging you, we all don't want our childs to suffer."

Mr. Kim groaned in frustration, but sighed as he cannot do anything about it. "Okay, fine, Mrs. Minatozaki. But, don't blame me if my grandchild will hate your daughter in the future."

Flashback Ended...

"Dahyun... please try to understand what grandpa will say, okay?"


"About your Sana-noona, she... she won't come back."

"W-What? D-Don't lie to me, g-grandpa. S-Sana-noona said that s-she will come back. T-That's true, r-right?" This is what the elder Mr. Kim hates, seeing his one and only grandchild cry like this.

"I-It's true..." He choked. It was really hard for him to lie, especially to Dahyun.

"W-Why!?" That was it, his grandchild had just raised his voice to him. He was shocked, yes, but he had to continue the 'story'.

"Your Sana-noona, is... she's already dating someone. Someone... who have a lot of money, and handsome... yeah, that's why." He told the young child like it wasn't a big deal. Of course it was just an act, a stupid one.

"S-She... l-likes rich p-people? B-But I'm r-rich, too, r-right? A-And, I'm a-also handsome. W-Why can't she d-date me instead?" Dahyun still defended, but his voice getting lower and lower every word.

"We all have our reasons, Dahyun... I hope you understand hers." Mr. Kim can barely look at his grandchild. He hates it so much if he sees him suffer.

After those words had been said, they were left in a silence. Not until the young one suddenly talked.

"I..." He started. "G-Grandpa..."

"What is it, my grandchild?" The elder Kim fake smiled.

"I want you to raise my allowance, 3 times. Give me a nice haircut, dress me like a dream guy would do. I want to be the most richest, famous, and good-looking guy in the whole world. So, I can take Sana-noona from whom she's dating." Mr. Kim was surprised, but at the same time, amazed and impressed by the sudden confidence of his young grandchild. He's so young yet so desperate to win the Japanese girl's heart.

"As you wish, Dahyun..."

[Explanation End]

Truth to be told, Dahyun had barely remember who the girl he was in loved with. But now, here she is, standing in front of him, after 10 years had pass...

"So, you meant to tell me that... you didn't actually dated a guy before? And, it was only a set-up because your family were broke that time?" The present Dahyun concluded and reassured to the japanese girl in front of him.

"Y-Yes... I'm very sorry, D-Dahyun-ah." Those are only the words that can left the girls mouth.

Suddenly, Dahyun stood up. And Sana was left in shock of what the guy did next. "Damn it!" He punched the wall.

"Damn it! Damn it!" He continued to do that until his fist bled.

"Dahyun-ah!" Worriedly, Sana stopped the younger by holding his now bruised hand.

"I'm so stupid for believing such a lie! Damn!" Unknown to him, his tears that he held for 10 years had began to escape from his monolidded eyes.

"Dahyun... don't blame yourself nor your grandpa, please... I was the one who left you, I was the one who can't fight for us..." Dahyun stopped squirming from Sana's grip. He couldn't control his emotions any longer. He embraced Sana tightly, burrying his head on her shoulder, never wanting to let go.

"Sana... don't leave me, ever..." He muttered under his breath, his face still buried on Sana's shoulder.

Sana embraced the latter with the same grip. "I won't, Dahyun-ah... I never will, ever again."

"I will do everything just for you to never let me go...

...even if it means loving the same girl, again."

To be continued...

The real problem doesn't end here ;)

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